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The 5 Most Deadly Heart Disease Myths

The 5 Most Deadly Heart Disease Myths

When it comes to heart disease, ignorance is definitely not bliss.  Don’t be fooled by these deadly heart disease myths: Myth #1: It only happens to older people. Fact:  Children and adolescents can begin building plaque in their arteries. Myth #2:  Heart disease runs in my family, so I’m doomed. Fact:  A healthy diet, regular exercise and the right nutritional support can go a long way in preventing heart disease, regardless of your family history. ...

Jan 03, 2017 7 comments

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7 tips to healthier eating

7 tips to healthier eating

1. Eat a tossed salad every day.2. Avoid eating proteins and starches together in a meal.  Pair meats or starches with veggies.3. Choose oatmeal or scrambled eggs over processed breakfast cereals, pastries or bagels.4. Avoid low-fat foods, sugar-free foods, artificial sweeteners, and margarine.5. Drink water instead of soda, sports drinks, flavored waters or energy drinks. 6. Prepare dinners at home.  Look for time savers like pre-cut veggies, marinated meats and bagged salads.7. Eat fruit alone on...

Dec 29, 2016 0 comments

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Finally--lasting relief from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Finally--lasting relief from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) currently affects up to 45 million people in the US, two-thirds of which are women.  It’s been labeled a “functional disorder” meaning there is no actual disease present. Well, what IS present with IBS is chronic and often debilitating abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating—all signs that your digestion is anything-but-normal. So it only makes sense that if you support your body and help it carry out digestion the way...

Dec 29, 2016 8 comments

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Recover from holiday food indulgences!

Recover from holiday food indulgences!

The holidays are a time for celebration and parties galore!  And that means that you may be indulging in some foods that you don’t ordinarily have…and although they probably taste amazingly good, they’re not so great for your body (or your waistline!). While there’s nothing wrong with celebrating, unfortunately, many times our health pays the price. But never fear!  Because I am here to guide you in supporting your body’s recovery efforts and getting you...

Dec 27, 2016 2 comments

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Our scary new reality: Food isn’t food anymore

Our scary new reality: Food isn’t food anymore

Last week I spent four days in Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL with my 29 year-old daughter Danielle (as well as King Louie and Baloo and other characters). She’s a chip off the old block so I wasn’t surprised to hear her disgust when she discovered what was really in a bottle of lemonade she bought.  She thought she would be getting something along the lines of water, lemon juice and sugar. But instead...

Dec 24, 2016 0 comments

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Stay away from these inflammatory foods

Stay away from these inflammatory foods

If there’s one thing we’ve got an abundance of in this country, it’s inflammation.

We’ve got the statistics to prove it!  Chronic inflammatory conditions are responsible for seven out of 10 deaths in the US each year.
Dec 23, 2016 0 comments

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