Rates of this killer are exploding—will you be next?
Although heart disease and cancer still remain our top 2 killers, there is another disease that can definitely shorten your lifespan and that is experiencing unprecedented, explosive growth. I’m talking about diabetes. I remember when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s, diabetes was something that was not all that common. One of my mother’s friends had it, and all I can remember is that she had to limit sweets. Well, once...

Do you have this risk factor for heart disease?
As you are probably aware (or if not, you should be), one of the biggest, deadliest and most common risk factors for COVID complications as well as increasing your risk of heart disease, heart attack, kidney disease and even blindness is: Diabetes. And when it comes to diabetes, our numbers are downright frightening. According to the CDC, currently about 133 million Americans (that’s an unprecedented 40 percent of us!) have diabetes or pre-diabetes (elevated...
- Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Exercise, Glucose, Stress