4 Surprising health benefits of probiotics
Most people (and even many members of the mainstream medical community) are catching on to the fact that probiotics help prevent gas, bloating and constipation. Several have also given nods to probiotics for their immune supportive properties and their ability to help ease asthma and allergies. And if you really do your homework and read sources of information outside of the pharmaceutical-funded mainstream media (like my blog!), you might have even heard that probiotics can...

What does your tongue say about your health?
Modern medicine uses a very pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “troublesome spot.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and systems...

Are you being poisoned by these?
When it comes to toxins and poisons, most people try to avoid them like the plague. But there are certain toxins that we are exposed to all the time (many are already inside of us!) that can have a devastating impact on your health and quality of life. I'm talking about heavy metals. Here's what you must know about heavy metals, what they can do to you, and how you can avoid them and...
- Tags: Healthy Eating, heavy metals, Probiotic

Nothing to sneeze at—natural allergy relief
15% off storewide sale continues! Throughout the last 61 years, I have been grateful to NOT be among the one out of four Americans that suffers from seasonal allergies. Well, guess what? That’s all changed. Because apparently my Upstate NY immune system does not get along well with Florida pollen. Although I moved to Florida from New York in September 2021, I didn’t notice any issues…until now. It’s funny because I thought I just...
- Tags: allergies, General Health, Healthy Living, Probiotic

Take care of this—you can’t live without it
15 percent off storewide sale continues! Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a sickness or disease will say that their illness "just came out of nowhere." Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. Sickness and disease very often develop gradually over time, and they take great care to seek out a nice, cozy home where they can wreak their havoc, preferably undisturbed. And one of the most significant factors that will...

This is vital for good health and a long life
Although the mainstream medical community is progressing toward acknowledging the importance of your gut in overall health, some of them still have a way to go. I was recently asked by a doctor if I thought it was important for her to take probiotics after finishing a course of “triple therapy” for ulcers—which consists of two antibiotics and an antacid. As tempted as I was to say, “Duh,” I responded respectfully and said yes,...