Did you know about this hidden danger of acid reflux?
April is National Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. And although I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events because they are typically a lot of hoopla and not much more, this one deserves mention. Because there is a distinct “string of events” that can lead to esophageal cancer, and the first of those is a condition that affects a whopping 66 million Americans. Acid reflux. AKA GERD. Here’s what happens: It all starts with heartburn!...

You may have this “silent” condition and not even know it
Most times when something is awry in our bodies, we get pretty obvious hints. This is especially true of acid reflux (aka GERD) because most people with the condition experience heartburn on a very regular basis, along with burping, belching, post-nasal drip and in extreme cases, neck pain, and even heart palpitations! But there is another sneakier kind of reflux that doesn’t typically manifest itself as a burning chest or chronic belching. As a...

The many ways heartburn drugs can kill you
Here we go again. The pharmaceutical industry has made yet ANOTHER “slip-up” that has potentially threatened the lives of millions of people using one of its toxic medications. This time it’s ranitidine (aka Zantac). The FDA recently recalled ranitidine because it contains N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is a human carcinogen, and the attorneys are lining up to file a tsunami of lawsuits on behalf of cancer sufferers. What makes this particularly frightening is that Zantac...

Better than Tums or Nexium for acid reflux!
If you’ve got acid reflux, heartburn, GERD or whatever you want to call it, know this: Those Tums, purple pills or whatever you’re taking on a regular basis might give you some relief from the fire in your chest in the moment, but alas, there’s trouble brewing within. Here’s what I mean—let’s look at two of the most common drug answers for reflux: [[big4]]PPIs (proton pump inhibitors—like Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium)[[end]] PPIs “work” by...

What your doctor hasn’t told you about GERD
Heartburn has now become gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for which the almighty acid reducer is the king of relief. Let’s look at what’s really going on with GERD and how you can get relief without drugs.
- Tags: Digestive Disorders, Digestive Health, GERD