10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore
I would suspect that most people don’t wish to overreact to every little ache, pain and symptom that may pop up and instead try to “wait it out” and hope that the issue resolves itself. But there are certain signals your body may be giving you that you definitely should not ignore. Although some of the possible causes behind these symptoms can be relatively minor, they may also mean something more serious that should...

The health scare no one talks about
While it seems to be the current focus of our national health agencies to scare the bejeezus out of people talking about the flu, COVID, monkeypox and whatever other viruses they can point a finger at, there is a glaring failure in how these agencies “serve and inform” us. I’m talking about chronic disease. Currently, half of all adult Americans, and shockingly 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic disease (according...

The best, most delicious cancer fighting foods!
As you probably know, I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events, especially when they revolve around health issues like cancer. Whether you know it or not, most of the money raised in cancer awareness events goes to drug and genetic research. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in cancer research since President Nixon declared his “War on Cancer” in 1971. But it remains our #2 killer. Clearly, we’re dropping the ball somewhere. While it’s...

We’d better wake up before it’s too late!
Brace yourself because I have some very disturbing statistics to share with you today. A JAMA study has shown that children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So is it any wonder they’re overweight, depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic illness? Adults are no better. As adults we “should” appreciate the importance of...

Nine tests your doctor should run…but probably doesn’t
I think that one of the best feelings in the world is when you go for a checkup and are given a clean bill of health. Fair statement? But unfortunately, a clean bill of health does not necessarily guarantee that you are healthy. Because although you may get a thumbs up from your doc following your physical exam and bloodwork, trouble may still be brewing. To get a more complete picture of your innards and...

Are you being manipulated like this?
Are you being manipulated like this? I’ve been in the health field for 40 years in one capacity or another, and although being able to help others has been a rewarding blessing to me, I’ve also “gone down a rabbit hole” and come to realize the extent of the dark side of our modern medical system. Now, before I ruffle any feathers, I want to stress that there are exceptions to everything, and what I’m...