This could be Nature’s perfect nutrient—do you get enough?
A study was conducted by Harvard researchers that established 12 risk factors that were considered to be preventable causes of death. As you would expect, high blood pressure and smoking were ranked up at the top. But coming in at a noteworthy number 6 was an Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency! That may surprise you, but when you look at the many ways Omega-3 fatty acids support your health, it becomes clear that being without...

Beyond the gut—4 more ways probiotics support great health
Most people (and that even includes many members of the mainstream medical community) are catching on to the fact that probiotics help prevent gas, bloating and constipation. Several have also given nods to probiotics for their immune support properties and their ability to help ease asthma and allergies. And if you really do your homework and read sources of information outside of the pharmaceutical-funded mainstream media (like my blog!), you might even know...
- Tags: arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive Health, Immune Health, Probiotic

This disease fighter is almost too good to be true!
You know the old saying that goes, “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is”? Most times that’s sage advice because you may be missing something or getting deceived in some way! But that’s not always the case. Because every once in a while, something comes along that really is THAT GOOD and hard as it may be to conceive, it’s the truth! A perfect example of this is the spice...

A virus the media should be talking about
It’s hard to deny that viruses have been a topic of much discussion and media focus over the last several decades, with COVID-19 most recently, Zika, Ebola and H1N1 in the past, and certainly the flu emerges as a hot topic every fall. But there’s another MUCH more prevalent virus than any of those that is affecting up to 95 percent of Americans, but the mainstream media is completely mum on the subject! It’s...

This increases your risk of COVID-19 and most diseases
I’m going to start your Monday with some not-so-pleasant statistics. According to the CDC, currently about half of all adult Americans, and 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic condition. In addition, chronic disease is responsible for at least seven out of 10 deaths. In other words, it is more “normal” to be sick than well, and that doesn’t sit very well with me! The time has come for us to...

Safe, effective pain relief without deadly drugs
According to reports by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), serious chronic pain affects a whopping 116 million Americans—that is over one out of three of us! And naturally with all that pain going on, people are desperate for relief…so they usually turn to their local pharmacy. The most popular types of pain-relieving drugs include NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and opioid painkillers. While all three can achieve their desired result of reducing your...
- Tags: anti-inflammatory, arthritis, Inflammation, Opioids, Pain, pain relief, Vitamin B12