Holistic Blends Blog


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How to make working from home, work for YOU

How to make working from home, work for YOU

  Since the emergence of COVID and the resulting lockdowns and closures, more people than ever before have begun working from home. In fact, by the end of 2020, 71 percent of Americans who could do their jobs remotely were working from their homes.  But COVID was not the sole reason behind this shift. Over the last few decades as technology has advanced and fewer job responsibilities have required an employee’s physical presence five days...

Aug 28, 2024 0 comments

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When this happened, I saw stars!

When this happened, I saw stars!

  Important announcement regarding office hours at the end Please DO NOT skip If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you probably know that I can be considered a “fitness nut” LOL. And there’s a good reason for that! I have worked out my entire adult life and I cannot stress enough the incredible health benefits from my exercise habits—including normal blood pressure, easily maintaining my weight, sound sleep, combatting stress and high...

Aug 21, 2024 0 comments

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Are these really just “a bunch of crap”?

Are these really just “a bunch of crap”?

 *Important general office-hours announcement at the end - Please read through* I once had a client who told me that when she mentioned to her doctor that she was taking a multi-vitamin, he basically scolded her and said she “doesn’t need that crap.” Interesting perspective.  Not only are vitamins NOT a bunch of crap, but our need for non-food sources of nutrients has continued to expand. At one time (several decades ago) people who had...

Aug 19, 2024 0 comments

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4 Nutrients You Can't Live Without... Literally

4 Nutrients You Can't Live Without... Literally

  Whenever people ask me what are the most important nutrients, I usually respond, “All of them.” Fact is, none of the nutrients found in Nature were created by accident, and they ALL help support and enhance your physical and mental health in one way or another. However, there are four that stand apart from the others…because being without them is not only harmful to your health, but it can be deadly. Unfortunately, they also...

Jul 15, 2024 0 comments

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A quick hello & a GREAT recipe!

A quick hello & a GREAT recipe!

  Hi Everyone: Danielle Moon here, Sherry’s daughter and VP of Holistic Blends. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to start blogging for you! Don’t worry – Sherry will still be your regular writer, but I’ll be popping in once in a while to share recipes, ideas, and experiences with our products. Before I get to my first recipe, I’ll tell you a little about me. I’m 36 years old, and I hold a...

Jul 12, 2024 0 comments

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You better do this—your life depends on it

You better do this—your life depends on it

    Today is National Chronic Disease Day, and as it typically goes with “national days” like these, one of the objectives is to raise awareness of chronic disease. Well, all I can say is that, as a nation where 7 out of 10 of us have at least one chronic condition, it appears we are very well “aware” of chronic disease. In fact, we’ve become experts and that’s nothing to celebrate. But how did...

Jul 10, 2024 0 comments

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