A sneaky cause of major health issues—is it affecting you?
If you've ever had a stomach bug, food poisoning or traveler's diarrhea, you've experienced first-hand the nasty world of harmful bacteria in your gut. Illnesses like these create vivid memories of it “coming out both ends" and the relief you felt when it finally passed! In an ideal world, our only dealings with dangerous gut bacteria would be limited to the occasional "bug." But we don't live in an ideal world.
- Tags: Bacteria, Digestive Health, Healthy Colon
Here’s why your stomach hurts (and how to feel better fast!)
Most everyone complains of having a stomach ache at one time or another, and sadly it’s a regular occurrence for growing numbers of people! About 7 out of 10 of us have some kind of digestive issue. But many times, “stomach” problems have nothing whatsoever to do with your stomach. Instead it’s very possible that your misery and gut aches are due to an issue a little further down the road with your key digestive “player.” Your pancreas. Here’s why:
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Living, pancreas
7 Steps to end your allergies this spring!
Spring will soon be upon us! The birds will be singing, flowers blooming and temperatures getting warmer. Unfortunately, for about 1 in 5 people, spring also spells MISERY—in the form of allergies!
- Tags: allergies, General Health, Healthy Living
This deficiency is a top-10 cause of death!
A deficiency in any nutrient will ultimately lead to sickness and disease of some kind—it’s just a matter of time. But when it becomes a top-10 cause of death, it’s time to take notice! I’m talking about Omega-3 essential fatty acids—specifically EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Here’s why being low in these bad boys can be positively deadly.
Don’t get caught in these 5 deadly traps
March is National Nutrition Month…and that has me positively cringing. Not that there’s anything wrong with a focus on nutrients! I cringe because never before in the history of mankind has there been an expression that has such a tremendously vast (and often misguided or downright WRONG!) variety of meanings as…
What your number 1 and 2 say about you
When someone is diagnosed with a disease, the typical reaction is usually shock. How could this happen? Where did this come from? Well, as disheartening as the news can be, sickness and disease rarely jump up and bite unsuspecting people in the derriere without any warning.