Most of us don’t get enough of this


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Most of us don’t get enough of this

May 08, 2020 0 comments
Most of us don’t get enough of this


When someone is running low on something, it’s usually not a good thing.

This especially applies to nutrients!  Nutritional deficiencies are a cause or contributing factor to just about every disease there is.

But there is another deficiency that is often ignored, but being without it can be detrimental, and cause diabetes, weight gain, depression and much, much more.

I’m talking about sleep deprivation!

Here’s the scoop on this increasingly common problem.

Many of us are running low!

Even though sleep is VITAL for optimal health, current estimates show that about half of us have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. 

Lacking sleep takes its toll in countless ways—and it doesn’t take a lot to start to see the difference. 

Here is how just ONE poor night’s sleep can affect your body:

  • Your mood becomes depressed
  • Your ability to concentrate drops
  • Levels of essential nutrients like zinc and magnesium fall
  • Vitamin C gets used up at an alarming rate
  • Your immune cells’ functioning goes way down (so you get sick easier)

The long-term effects are even more concerning!

Regularly having fewer than 7 hours of sleep per night:

  • Increases your risk of accidents at work and on the road
  • Raises your risk of overweight or obesity by increasing levels of appetite-increasing hormones
  • Increases your risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 56 percent
  • Impairs your brain function and increases your risk of memory loss
  • Raises your risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer


Turn the tables and start sleeping better

The good news is you can turn the tables and start sleeping better at night! 

You just need to look at all the possible factors behind your poor sleep and do something about them!

Here are 7 very effective ideas to consider:

1- Reduce stress

If stress, anxiety and/or tension are playing a part in your insomnia, it’s time to get a handle on it.

A skilled counselor can be a tremendous help—but make sure they are actually “helping” and not just pushing sleep drugs at you (which can do more harm than good).

Exercise is a great stress and tension reliever.  Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK first if you and the couch have been BFFs for a while. 

Avoid late night TV watching, especially news channels or suspenseful, sad or violent movies.  Having heart-pounding or upsetting images in your mind can flip your anxiety and tension switch and leave you counting sheep into the billions.

And try some lavender essential oil on your pillow or in a diffuser at night.  Our Ocean Lavender essential oil is outstanding!

2- Avoid sugar and stimulants

Most people are aware that drinking caffeinated beverages (including soda, coffee and tea) can lead to a night filled with tossing and turning, but sugar is a culprit too. 

A diet high in sugar and refined carbs can trigger elevated cortisol levels, and since cortisol is one of your body’s “fight or flight reaction” hormones, that can hamper your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and/or wake up refreshed. 

3- Have a diet that supports better nourishment & digestion

When your body needs nutrients, it NEEDS NUTRIENTS--and it doesn't care if it has to wake you up at 2 am to let you know that.

So if you regularly skip meals, go to bed hungry or lack nutrients because you’re a junk food junkie, not having proper nourishment is a great way to make sure you'll be staring at the ceiling.

In addition, poor digestion can lead to late night attacks of gas, acid reflux, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. 

The best way to prevent having your sleep disturbed by a wrenching gut or a need for nutrients and to encourage more sound digestion is to eat nourishing meals that your body can break down easier!

Now know this: Eating right does NOT have to mean deprivation, eating bland meals or existing on "rabbit food."

The Great Taste No Pain eating system will show you how to easily put together delicious, nutritious meals that your body can more efficiently break down.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how tasty good-for-you meals can be, and will enjoy the benefit of not only better sleep but very likely less gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation too!

4- Darken your room

Darkness is essential to proper, restful sleep, but many of us have night lights, alarm clocks, cell phones and TVs in our bedrooms, and these devices are most assuredly compromising your sleep to some degree.

Strive to make your room as dark as possible by eliminating as many sources of light as you can.  Also, try to get room-darkening shades to block out light from your neighbor’s outdoor lights or street lights.

5- Explore alternatives to medications

Some medications like bronchodilators for asthma and certain antidepressants can trigger insomnia. 

If you are on any kind of medication, check the package insert to see if insomnia is a side effect and if so, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

If he or she is unwilling to discuss other options, find another doctor who will.

6- Get enough Omega-3 essential fatty acids

Studies have shown that a higher level of the Omega-3 EFA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is associated with better sleep.

And considering that our typical processed/fast food diets are positively anemic when it comes to providing proper levels of Omega-3 EFAs, it’s certainly no surprise that we’re paying the price in countless ways—poor sleep included!

But you can easily help turn that around with a quality fish oil formula that contains the crucial DHA, as well as its “partner” in brain and cardiovascular health—Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). 

VitalMega-3 is your ticket to making sure your body has the Omega-3 EFAs it so desperately needs. 

VitalMega-3 provides 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in each and every daily two-capsule serving, including the all-important EPA and DHA in the 3:2 ratio recommended by experts.

7- Support your body’s levels of tryptophan, melatonin and essential nutrients

Tryptophan is an amino acid and is the precursor to the neurotransmitters melatonin (which regulates your sleep/wake cycle) and serotonin (which is your natural feel good chemical). 

Tryptophan is found in chicken, cheese, tuna, tofu, eggs, nuts, seeds and milk.

Melatonin is found naturally in bananas, Morello cherries, porridge oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger, barley, tomatoes, radishes and red wine.

In addition, the following nutrients are needed for your body to make melatonin:

  • Vitamin B-6
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Folic acid

Having a nutritious diet (like I mentioned in #3 above with Great Taste No Pain) is very helpful here, but if you really want to make sure all your crucial nutrient needs are met 24/7, then supplementing with a complete multi-vitamin and mineral formula like Super Core is the way to go!

Super Core contains health-supporting levels of a wide array of vital nutrients (including the 4 nutrients required to make melatonin above), plus disease-fighting antioxidants and anti-inflammatories too!

The Sandman’s calling YOU!

When you look at all the possible reasons for your poor sleep and do what you can to turn them around, you too can start getting a regular call from the Sandman.

And your body will benefit in ways you can’t even imagine!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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