Holistic Blends Blog


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Want to stay healthy? Take care of this body part

Want to stay healthy? Take care of this body part

I think it’s safe to say that most of your body parts are pretty darn important, but there is one that shines apart from all the others, and how healthy (or not) it is determined whether you are reading this blog today or are pushing up daisies.
Aug 09, 2017 0 comments

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You need these now more than ever!

You need these now more than ever!

Research continues to uncover all the growing ways your gut microbiome controls your physical AND mental health.  Here are just a few of the vital roles it plays:

Jul 19, 2017 1 comment

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What you don’t know about your immune system

What you don’t know about your immune system

Your immune system protects you against colds, flu, and infections, but that’s just a drop in the bucket!  Here are all the other things your immune system does for you that you might not know about, and how to make sure yours is working like it should.

Jun 28, 2017 0 comments

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This is fast emerging as a global killer

This is fast emerging as a global killer

I’ve stopped watching movies because you get more “entertainment” watching and reading mainstream media news.  Talk about sensationalism and drama—some of these journalists ought to win Academy Awards instead of a Pulitzer Prize.  And the thing is, they will only report what their sponsors will allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers.

May 22, 2017 0 comments

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The answer to a very important question

The answer to a very important question

At a recent local women’s business association meeting, two ladies came up to me and said, “Be honest.  What’s the hype about probiotics?  Are they really necessary and do they make a difference?”  I told them I was happy to honestly tell them what they needed to know about probiotics, and here is what I said:

May 02, 2017 0 comments

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Newly discovered harmful effects of stress

Newly discovered harmful effects of stress

Most people are very well aware that chronic, ongoing stress is not a good thing.  But unfortunately, it turns out that it’s even more harmful than we originally thought.  Here’s what I mean:

Apr 03, 2017 0 comments

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