Holistic Blends Blog


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This can either save you or kill you—it’s up to you

This can either save you or kill you—it’s up to you

  I’m going to go out on a limb today and say that most of us aren’t in a hurry to be pushing up daisies anytime soon.  Fair statement? But unfortunately, many of us are sabotaging our health and rolling out the red carpet for the grim reaper to come calling. Note that I’m not even talking about the obvious deadly habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or illicit drug use here. I’m talking about...

Oct 07, 2020 2 comments

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The many ways heartburn drugs can kill you

The many ways heartburn drugs can kill you

  Here we go again. The pharmaceutical industry has made yet ANOTHER “slip-up” that has potentially threatened the lives of millions of people using one of its toxic medications. This time it’s ranitidine (aka Zantac). The FDA recently recalled ranitidine because it contains N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is a human carcinogen, and the attorneys are lining up to file a tsunami of lawsuits on behalf of cancer sufferers. What makes this particularly frightening is that Zantac...

Jun 22, 2020 0 comments

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A little-known cause of numerous health problems

A little-known cause of numerous health problems

  In case you haven’t noticed, I am dedicated to helping people achieve better health in natural ways. But that doesn’t mean I’ve always been the picture of health myself. Quite the opposite, actually! But I consider my own ill health of the past to be “serendipitous” because it prepped me VERY well to be able to help YOU! Here’s what I mean—let me walk you through my “sickness puzzle” from my early 20s because...

Apr 14, 2020 4 comments

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Colorectal cancer—what you must be aware of

Colorectal cancer—what you must be aware of

  March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. So naturally there will be a lot of “awareness” being trumpeted to the masses—primarily telling people age 50 and over to get their colonoscopies, watch for changes in bowel habits and basically hope your number doesn’t come up in the colorectal cancer lottery. Well, I have a lot more to say than that. Here’s what you should really be “aware” of: [[big4]]Colorectal cancer—good news and bad[[end]] There’s...

Mar 03, 2020 8 comments

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A sneaky cause of gas and bloating

A sneaky cause of gas and bloating

I’ve been in the health field for over 30 years and if there’s one concern I’ve heard repeatedly from my clients it’s that they suffer from excessive gas and bloating! What makes this difficult is that there is a myriad of possible reasons why your gut might swell up like a pan of Jiffy Pop popcorn. These include things like gluten intolerance, celiac disease, medication side effects, inflammatory bowel disease, food allergies or lactose intolerance....

Feb 10, 2020 4 comments

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Better than Tums or Nexium for acid reflux!

Better than Tums or Nexium for acid reflux!

  If you’ve got acid reflux, heartburn, GERD or whatever you want to call it, know this: Those Tums, purple pills or whatever you’re taking on a regular basis might give you some relief from the fire in your chest in the moment, but alas, there’s trouble brewing within.  Here’s what I mean—let’s look at two of the most common drug answers for reflux: [[big4]]PPIs (proton pump inhibitors—like Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium)[[end]] PPIs “work” by...

Feb 05, 2020 5 comments

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