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Acid reflux?  Heartburn?  This is better than deadly drugs!

Acid reflux? Heartburn? This is better than deadly drugs!

  Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)—such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid—are the gold standard treatment for a variety of digestive issues including acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers. With annual sales of over $13 billion, the drug companies certainly want to maintain that status and keep cranking out those purple pills.     PPIs “work” (and I use that term loosely) by raising your stomach’s pH and shutting down its acid production.  With less acid in...

Apr 12, 2021 17 comments

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Got gas?  This could be why

Got gas? This could be why

  I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that virtually 100 percent of my clients report at least occasional gas and bloating…and probably at least half suffer from painful beach-ball belly on a regular basis. What makes this difficult is that there is a multitude of possible reasons why flatulence is your friend and bloating is your buddy…so getting to the bottom of it can be tricky. Conditions that can cause chronic gas and bloating...

Feb 15, 2021 2 comments

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This disease didn’t exist 100 years ago—now it’s exploding!

This disease didn’t exist 100 years ago—now it’s exploding!

  If you are an adult living in in the US or a similar “Westernized” country, chances are good you already have or soon will develop a sly, silent and rather common disease.  This condition quietly progresses and waits like a spider…then when it rears its ugly head, you quickly find yourself flat on your back (or in surgery). I’m talking about diverticulosis.  Here’s what you need to know about this “silent” condition that is...

Feb 01, 2021 5 comments

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Make 2021 the year you end your IBS!

Make 2021 the year you end your IBS!

  I recently struck up a conversation with a couple of women at a holiday get-together. When it came up that I’m a nutrition coach, one of the women said, “Oh, that explains why you’re so healthy-looking and thin.  I bet you’ve always been super-healthy, right?” They were shocked when I said, “Nope—not at all!  Thirty years ago I was suffering big time with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  But that’s all over now.” One of...

Jan 08, 2021 0 comments

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Is it just heartburn?  Or is it something more?

Is it just heartburn? Or is it something more?

  Digestive issues have become so rampant in our society today that you are an oddball if you don’t have some kind of digestive problem. Current estimates show that 75 percent of Americans suffer from some form of digestive distress occasionally or every single day! Although the most common problems include acid reflux, heartburn, constipation, gas, bloating and IBS, there’s another condition that can silently sneak up on you and chances are good that you...

Nov 18, 2020 4 comments

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Always bloated and gassy?  This may be why!

Always bloated and gassy? This may be why!

  One out of four of us has some type of digestive problem, and right up there among the top is BLOATING! Although it tends to affect women more often, bloating is a very common condition that causes misery for millions of people. Now, occasional bloating is one thing that most of us can deal with.  Every now and then we all get a little gassy, and women typically are bloated during menstruation.  But many...

Oct 28, 2020 2 comments

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