Holistic Blends Blog


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The worst diet advice I’ve ever seen

The worst diet advice I’ve ever seen

  As a holistic nutrition coach, when I see the horrible diet advice out there that people are given or see on “health” sites or in magazines, it makes me seethe. No wonder nearly 8 out of 10 of us are sick, overweight and medicated. And one of the biggest problems is that many sources of dreadful advice appear to be credible! For example, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends calorie-free drinks (AKA artificial sweeteners),...

Jan 12, 2022 7 comments

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Is this why we’re so sick and overweight?

Is this why we’re so sick and overweight?

  I have an interesting quote for you today about the relationship between diet and health. Although the author says "bread" in the quote, he's really talking about food in general. See if you can guess who said it: "I know, too, that the body is affected differently by bread according to the manner in which it is prepared... The influence of each process is considerable, and each has a totally different effect from another....

Nov 10, 2021 2 comments

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Are you still using these poisons?

Are you still using these poisons?

  Arguably one of the greatest frauds committed by the food industry against the human race is the creation of artificial sweeteners. I say that because at no other time in our history have we encountered such deadly poisons being willingly consumed by the masses…while our “regulators” (the FDA) have apparently ignored the mounding evidence of their health dangers and have declared them “safe for the general population.” And the marketing angles are perfect! These...

Nov 08, 2021 5 comments

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Are you shortening your life in this way?

Are you shortening your life in this way?

  I’ll start your Wednesday with some shocking statistics. A recent JAMA study was conducted that showed children and teens get a whopping 67 percent (two-thirds) of their daily calories from highly processed foods! So, is it any wonder they’re depressed, can’t sit still or concentrate, and over half (54 percent) of them have at least one chronic disease? Adults are no better.  Although as adults we “should” appreciate the importance of healthy food more...

Oct 20, 2021 2 comments

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I have a secret to tell you

I have a secret to tell you

  I have a little secret to share with you. Today is my birthday, and not only that, this is my LAST birthday in the 50s. Gulp! And while knocking on the door of 60 may sound a little scary on the surface, I honestly feel great! I’m still running every week, doing full-contact karate sparring (fighting men), and enjoying a consistent high level of energy. Plus I recently got mistaken as my daughter’s sister...

Aug 30, 2021 35 comments

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One of the biggest threats to our existence

One of the biggest threats to our existence

  You probably know this about me already, but I’m a people watcher. Not in a weird way, but in a professional/educational way. I watch people’s food choices in restaurants, grocery stores and (most recently since I just flew home from Florida yesterday) airports and look for any obvious physical issues. I’m not judging—rather, as a nutrition coach, it’s important for me to see first-hand what people are eating and how it may affect them! ...

Aug 18, 2021 4 comments

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