Holistic Blends Blog


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Got meds?  Read this before you take them today.

Got meds? Read this before you take them today.

  I have never heard of this before, but apparently October is National Talk About Prescriptions Month. Good, because I have a lot to say about that subject, so I’ll jump right in. Although there are times when medications are necessary, as a society (especially here in the US) we’ve gone WAAAY overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us. The numbers prove it.  Currently the CDC reports that 82 percent...

Oct 16, 2023 0 comments

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3 Amazingly simple steps to better health

3 Amazingly simple steps to better health

  I once consulted with a 45-year-old woman who was overweight, stressed out, always tired, hadn’t exercised in years and had an atrocious diet.  And she said something that no other client had ever said to me.  She said, “I know what I need to do, but I just look at myself and say, ‘Why bother?’”  If this even remotely sounds like you, then read on and see what I explained to this woman.  It’s...

Oct 06, 2023 0 comments

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The deadly health threat that you never hear about

The deadly health threat that you never hear about

  This probably won’t surprise you, but I’ve long stopped watching mainstream media news because it disgusts me.  Talk about fear mongering, sensationalism and drama—some of these well-groomed puppets ought to win Academy Awards.  And the thing is, they will only talk about what their pharma and special interest sponsors allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is slanted or swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers.  Well,...

Sep 20, 2023 5 comments

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4 questions everyone should be asking

4 questions everyone should be asking

  Today’s blog is a bit different from what you typically read from me.  My preferred blog approach is to enlighten you on a health issue (or two or three!) and provide effective, safe and natural strategies to help overcome your challenge and/or generally improve your health.  But I threw that out the window for today.  Instead I would like to talk about four important questions that everyone should be asking.    These questions affect literally...

Aug 21, 2023 17 comments

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Can we get close and personal today?

Can we get close and personal today?

  I’ve been in the health and nutrition field for over 30 years and one thing I can say with full confidence is that people are inherently resistant to change.  I can’t tell you the number of times I have consulted with a client and talked about all the wonderful health improvements they can experience…  But as soon as I mention changing their diet, I get the doe in the headlights look.  Or worse yet,...

Aug 07, 2023 6 comments

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Got tattoos?  Here’s what you might not know about them.

Got tattoos? Here’s what you might not know about them.

  What I am writing today probably won’t win me any popularity contests, but I’m used to telling people what they don’t want to hear.  Presently, about 35 percent of US adults, and nearly half of adults under 40, report having at least one tattoo.  If you are among those that have gone under the tattoo needle, there is much more going on behind the scenes in your body’s “artwork” that you might not even...

Jun 02, 2023 4 comments

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