Holistic Blends Blog


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Is this what “health” has become?

Is this what “health” has become?

When you see ads on TV and in magazines for prescription drugs, they always feature attractive, vibrant actors who smile and laugh as they are having fun with their loved ones.

Reality is quite a different picture.

Apr 20, 2017 1 comment

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Don’t do this for chronic pain—it can kill you!

Don’t do this for chronic pain—it can kill you!

A study published in The Lancet dealt a hefty blow to one of the popular go-to medications for pain relief.

Acetaminophen (also known by the band name Tylenol®).

Apparently the study, which included information from 74 trials published between 1980 and 2015 involving over 58,000 osteoarthritis patients, found that acetaminophen was only slightly better than a placebo.

Plus it was stated to play no role in treating osteoarthritis, regardless of dose, because osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition and acetaminophen is not an anti-inflammatory.

Just the icing on the cake

The fact that acetaminophen is only a smidgen more effective than a sugar pill for inflammatory pain is just the icing on the cake.  Here’s more:

Apr 04, 2017 0 comments

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My top 10 cancer prevention tips

My top 10 cancer prevention tips

Despite billions of dollars being spent on research and the “war on cancer,” the cancer death rate in this country has decreased only slightly in the last 60 years or so. 

The good news is, it has been estimated that at least half of all cancer deaths can be prevented!

Here are the top 10 measures that I consider to be the most effective at reducing your risk of becoming a cancer statistic:

Mar 30, 2017 0 comments

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Could your teeth be slowly killing you?

Could your teeth be slowly killing you?

The average person probably isn’t knowingly trying to slowly kill themselves. But unfortunately, there is a silent, deadly toxin in many people’s teeth that is wreaking havoc with their health and life…and they don’t even know it!

That deadly toxin is mercury—specifically mercury in amalgam dental fillings.

Here’s what you must know about this lethal element and how to escape its deadly effects.

Mar 29, 2017 0 comments

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Safe, effective relief from fibromyalgia pain

Safe, effective relief from fibromyalgia pain

Over 5 million Americans (90 percent of which are women) suffer from fibromyalgia—arguably one of the most painful conditions ever known.

Sadly, this debilitating condition wasn’t even recognized as a bonafide illness until as recently as 1987!  Before that it was largely thought to be “all in someone’s head.” 

Mar 23, 2017 0 comments

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The dark side of coffee drinks

The dark side of coffee drinks

For all you fancy coffee fanatics, I have an important message for you.

Those sweet coffee drinks that you love so much have a very dark side—and I’m not referring to how dark the roast is.

Here’s what you must know about these brews that may taste good, but that’s where their “goodness” ends.

Mar 20, 2017 0 comments

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