Ditch the pink ribbons & prevent breast cancer


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Ditch the pink ribbons & prevent breast cancer


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and everywhere you go, you see pink ribbons symbolizing monies donated for breast cancer research.

Let’s look at this “research,” shall we?

BILLIONS of research dollars have been raised over the last several decades to “find the cure,” yet cancer is still our number 2 killer.

So, what have all these billions of dollars bought us? Lots of pretty pink ribbons?

And the maddening thing here is that it appears very little of the billions raised for “research” are aimed at breast cancer PREVENTION!

Because contrary to what you may believe, cancer (including breast cancer) IS preventable.

Now, before I get into the best ways to help prevent breast cancer, let me first enlighten you on what “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” or BCAM is really all about.

BCAM—a way to push mammograms

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (known as BCAM) was incepted in 1985 as a joint effort between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical giant Astra Zeneca.

The primary goal of BCAM from the start has been to push mammograms as the best weapon in the fight against breast cancer.

Well, there are a few things wrong with that.

First of all, mammograms expose you to dangerous CANCER-CAUSING ionizing radiation! Research is showing that the "low energy" x-rays used in breast screenings are up to 500% more carcinogenic than previously thought. 

In addition, mammograms are frequently incorrect, showing anywhere between 20-50 percent false positives.

And let’s not forget that mammograms only detect cancer once it has occurred. They do nothing to prevent it.

The best approach—breast cancer prevention!

Instead of relying on the hope of billions of research dollars to save you, how about directing your efforts toward PREVENTING breast cancer to begin with?

This is where you can make an enormous difference in whether or not you will be among the one out of eight women who will face the disease! 

And even if you are facing breast cancer, these strategies can help make your body a less hospitable home for cancer to thrive as well as support its efforts to heal!

Reduce stress

Stress weakens your immune system function, and you don’t want that to happen because your immune system PROTECTS you against cancer!

So do whatever it takes to reduce stress. Regular exercise is a great stress reducer, plus exercise and maintaining a healthy bodyweight have been shown to lower your breast cancer risk.

Also, you can try counseling, meditation, acupuncture, prayer, deep breathing, taking up a hobby, and even adopting a pet!

I can personally vouch for the stress-relieving power of pets. Even on my toughest days, it always makes me feel better to snuggle with my 3 cats.

Avoid refined carbs

Sugar and refined carbs (which turn to sugar upon digestion) feed cancer cells, harmful yeasts and parasites and depress your immune system functioning, so avoiding them is key to a healthy gut and optimal immune function.

In addition to the obvious sugar in your kitchen sugar bowl, sugar is found in a variety of forms in virtually every processed food on the planet. It’s also abundant in the worst health-wrecking beverage known to man—soda. 

Note that refined carbs include breads, muffins, cakes, cookies, pastries, pasta, breakfast cereals, pancakes, waffles, and white rice.

Try to concentrate more on proteins, tossed salads and fiber-rich fresh vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Curb inflammation

Inflammation is a major contributing factor to our top 2 killers—heart disease and cancer. So, it’s crucial to keep inflammation under control.

Refined carbs are very inflammatory to your body, so this is yet another reason to avoid them as much as possible.

Also, drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of filtered water each day, keep the coffee and alcohol under control, and (I’ll say it again) ditch the soda.

And lastly, take advantage of one of Nature’s best anti-inflammatories—turmeric!

When it comes to an effective anti-inflammatory, turmeric’s resume is hard to beat! Here are just some of its health-enhancing properties:

  • It has anti-cancer properties and can be helpful with prostate and pancreatic cancers, as well as breast, bowel, stomach and skin cancers.
  • It has outperformed aspirin and ibuprofen in terms of reducing inflammation.
  • It can help slow or prevent blood clots.
  • It has been more effective than NSAIDs in easing arthritis pain, without the risk of GI bleeding or other side effects of NSAIDs!
  • It can boost skin health, promote smooth, glowing skin and help with psoriasis.
  • It can help combat obesity by reducing growth of fat cells.
  • It fights depression and has even been shown to be as effective as Prozac in easing depressive symptoms—with NO side effects!
  • It has been shown to be more effective than Metformin against Type 2 diabetes.
  • It encourages healthy cholesterol levels—without dangerous statins!

You can use the tremendous power of turmeric to work against your inflammation with our Optimal Turmeric Blend.

In addition to 750 mg of pure turmeric, Optimal Turmeric Blend also provides black pepper extract to help enhance absorbency.

Support healthy Vitamin D levels

Studies have shown that that women with higher blood concentrations of vitamin D had a significantly lower risk of breast cancer—to the tune of one-fifth the risk of those who had lower vitamin D levels!

Since vitamin D is a very common deficiency (especially this time of year in the northeast) and food sources are limited, one of the best ways to get what your body needs is to take with a medical grade supplement like Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B!

Optimum DK Formula provides a therapeutic 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3, plus its immune-enhancing partners Vitamins K1 and K2, and the mineral boron.

Talk to your doctor about thermography

As I mentioned above, mammograms only detect cancer once it has occurred--they do NOTHING to prevent it.

And even if you have a negative mammogram, you’re not necessarily out of the woods—you still might have breast cancer, but the tumor just isn’t big enough to be detected yet.

A much safer, thorough and proactive approach is thermography.

Thermography doesn’t expose you to dangerous radiation of ANY kind. Instead, it measures the infrared heat emitted by your body and translates it into thermal images.

Plus, it’s touch-free—no breast squeezing necessary. 😊

Thermography can detect signs of physiological changes due to inflammation and/or tumor-related blood flow up to 8-10 years before a mammogram or a physical exam can detect a mass!

With thermography, you start with your initial “baseline” images, then each year the current images are carefully compared to the prior years’ to see if any subtle inflammatory changes have taken place.

I STRONGLY encourage you to discuss thermography with your doctor. I get thermography tests and will never, ever have another mammogram. (In fact, I am getting my annual thermography breast screening next week!)

Unfortunately, it’s typically not covered by insurance, but the cost is fairly reasonable—it ranges between $150-$200, which is comparable to many traditional x-ray co-pays!

Now you can focus your efforts on breast cancer PREVENTION instead of pink ribbons!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: We're settling in nicely to our new office in Florida! Please note that order processing times may be a business day or so longer than normal as we get everything organized and set up, but we're working hard to get everyone's order out the door quickly. We'll be back to full efficiency ASAP! During the transition there will also be times wherein the phones and chat will be off during the regular day as Danielle works her way through setup - messages will be followed up on as quickly as possible if received during these brief times. Rest assured we're still here and working away. 

As our previous announcement stated, Super Shield and Digestizol will be en route to us on or around the 28th. We will keep you posted here in our emails/blog and by posting on our red announcement banner right on the website. We cannot accept pre-orders on out of stock items.

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