4 Reasons you can’t lose weight
I once read an article about weight loss written by an MD. In it she mentioned that about 72 percent of Americans want to lose weight, and the average goal was 40 pounds. The challenge, she stated, is that only 14 percent of people who have lost weight have been able to keep it off for more than five years. But then the rest of the article suggests cutting calories to lose weight. Sorry,...

A concerning trend that’s on the rise
After being in the health field for the last few decades, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all. But what troubles me is the fact that there are current trends in health that I am observing that go from mildly disturbing to downright shocking. As my karate fighting teacher used to tell me, I have a steel-trap memory…and I can vividly remember times in the not-so-distant past when we weren’t so darn...

5 Diet Misconceptions... Have you been fooled?
I’m going to start today’s blog by giving you some rather unsettling statistics. Currently in the US: Seven out of ten adults have at least one chronic condition, and shockingly, so do 54 percent of our children. Three out of four of us are overweight or obese. Eight out of ten of us are medicated, and over half of us take two or more medications each day. What in the world is going ON? Well,...