Could You be Harboring this Ancient Infection?


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Could You be Harboring this Ancient Infection?


There is a bacterial infection that has been around for a very, very long time and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down.

It’s highly contagious and affects a staggering 66% of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us).

In the vast majority of cases, there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have contracted it don’t even know it.

But that doesn’t mean it’s innocent or harmless… because this infection can increase your stomach cancer risk by an alarming 600%!

And unfortunately, the standard medical treatment isn’t always effective, plus it presents its own lengthy list of side effects to boot.

This ancient but potentially deadly infection is…

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)!

Here is what you need to know to help prevent it taking its toll on you.

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Since H. pylori has apparently been around since the dawn of time and is still as common as ever, that’s certainly a testament to its ability to survive and thrive.

And the reason that two out of three of us are infected is because H. pylori is extremely easy to get!

It’s transmitted through direct contact with the saliva, vomit or feces of an infected person, so things like kissing and sharing drinkware or utensils can pass the bacteria from one person to another.

Plus, it can be contracted through consumption of contaminated food or water.

An array of symptoms

While most people don’t have symptoms, when H. pylori does stir up symptoms they can include:

  • Bloating
  • Belching
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Heartburn, acid reflux
  • Diarrhea
  • Bad breath
  • Dark, tarry stools
  • Anemia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain

But H. pylori’s main “accomplishment” is that it’s the underlying cause of most ulcers. Current estimates are that H. pylori causes about 80% of peptic (stomach) ulcers, and 90% of duodenal (upper small intestine) ulcers.

It can also cause ulcers in the esophagus and lead to gastritis (chronic stomach inflammation) too.

But most disturbingly, having H. pylori can raise your risk of developing stomach cancer by up to six times!

The cure isn’t always helpful… and can make things worse!

The typical treatment for H. pylori is “triple therapy”—two antibiotics paired with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI).

But this “cure” continues to decrease in effectiveness because H. pylori (like many other species of bacteria including E. Coli which causes UTIs) is becoming resistant to antibiotics.

Plus, let’s not forget that antibiotics destroy your gut microbiome—which can severely impact your digestion and weaken your immune system function. It can take your microbiome up to a YEAR to fully recover from just one single course of antibiotics.

And the documented dangers of PPIs continue to grow, including increasing your risk of chronic kidney disease, heart attack and Alzheimer’s as well as increasing your overall death risk by a whopping 50%.

PPIs also cause gas, bloating and constipation (because you need acid for proper digestion), increase your risk of fractures (due to reduced absorption of bone-building vitamins and minerals) lead to low energy levels and metabolism (a result of impaired Vitamin B12 absorption), and make you more susceptible to food poisoning (since stomach acid kills dangerous microbes in your food).

Natural ways to help address H. pylori (and ulcers, acid reflux and gastritis too!)

H. pylori and the problems it causes will likely continue to thrive since the mainstream medical community is running out of answers to effectively treat it.

But the good news is there are several highly effective natural ways to help, without the harmful health risks of triple therapy!

Here are some of the best:

Mastic gum and ginger

Mastic gum has been used in treating gastric illnesses since about 3,000 BC and has been shown in studies to be a highly effective antibacterial agent against H. pylori.

And ginger has been found to generate a protective effect against H. pylori, inhibiting its growth.

Our outstanding Gastro BeCalm Blend combines both these herbal superstars, along with licorice root (a natural heartburn/acid reflux remedy) and marshmallow root (which soothes the GI tract)!


Garlic is a natural antibacterial, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory which has been shown to kill off and inhibit the growth of H. pylori. It is also associated with a lower risk of gastric cancer.

The best way to consume fresh garlic and get the maximum effect from it is to eat it raw. Although that might not appeal to everyone, you can mince it up, combine it with some olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and use that as a topping for meats or vegetables.

Pave the way for better digestion

Poorly digested proteins (due to PPI-induced reductions in stomach acid) may ferment in your gut, becoming food for pathogens such as Clostridium difficile (C. diff), Candida and H. pylori, and even lead to leaky gut.

One of the most common factors behind poor digestion and heartburn is lacking in one or more digestive enzymes. This is especially true for people over 50, those who have had gastric or gallbladder surgery and people who have had a highly processed, nutrient-poor diet.

If you suspect enzymes may be an issue for you, our Digestizol Max digestive enzyme formula can come to the rescue!

Digestizol Max’s complete blend of 15 plant-derived enzymes can help support your body’s efforts to break down all your foods completely and comfortably and pave the way for better digestion and less gas, bloating, constipation and heartburn. 

Cranberry juice

Most known for helping with urinary tract infections (UTIs), cranberry juice has also shown promise in various studies to counteract and weaken H. pylori. (Note: Juice, not cocktail.)

Green tea

Green tea has been shown to inhibit the growth of H. pylori as well as help prevent inflammation and treat gastritis.

Reduce stress

Not only can stress cause harmful changes to your gut microbiome, but it also worsens the symptoms of H. pylori.

Historically, people with anxiety and elevated levels of stress have been shown to have weaker immune functioning, and higher than normal rates of H. pylori infections, stomach inflammation and stomach ulcers.

Do whatever you need to do to reduce your stress level. Regular exercise is by far the best stress reducer there is, but also acupuncture, prayer, meditation, deep breathing or even adopting a pet (if you’re an animal lover) have been shown to help. 

And if it’s a job or relationship that is causing stress, it may be time to consider making a change.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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