You can’t live without it—how is yours doing?
Nothing in our bodies is there by accident, and each and every cell, tissue and organ serves a valid purpose as designed by our Creator. While it’s hard to say that a certain organ is more important than another, one organ that puts in a valiant effort 24/7 to keep you above the ground and healthy is your liver! The liver deserves special mention because of its incredibly wide range and number of functions...

How to detox safely and naturally
If there’s anything that withstands the test of time in our society today, it’s the existence of crazes. As in, what’s the latest diet craze? Or workout fad? Or serum to reduce wrinkles and aging? And right up there at the top of the craze list is: What’s the newest way to detox?! I’m not suggesting that detoxing isn’t important because it sure is! It’s never good to have toxins residing in your body....

8 Signs you have leaky gut (and how to heal it)
Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, once said about 2,000 years ago, “All disease begins in the gut.” He was right on. When you consider all that, your gut does for you, it’s easy to see why Hippocrates zeroed in on it as the hot spot of health (or lack thereof). Your gallant gut: Houses 80 percent of your immune system Breaks down your foods so that you can use them for nourishment Absorbs...

This is your most vital organ—take care of it or else!
October is National Liver Awareness Month. While I feel pretty confident that we are all “aware” of our livers, I’d be willing to bet that many people don’t know everything that their liver does for them. It’s arguably your most important vital organ! In addition, unlike your other organs and systems, unfortunately you don’t always get obvious warning signs when something is awry with your liver…so yours may be suffering and you don’t even...

How to naturally fight viruses, heart disease and more!
Although the pharmaceutical industry would LOVE for you to believe that the only way to combat heart disease, viruses, and many other illnesses is with their toxic chemicals, that’s simply not true! Because Nature has given us a plethora of herbs, spices and other plants that can either equal or most times outdo pharma’s pills, safely and effectively, without the risk of deadly side effects. Two of Nature’s superstars that could arguably replace several...

Are you missing these crucial warning signs?
Similar to your car’s “check engine” light, often when something is wrong inside of your body, you get warning signs. For example, back pain usually means inflammation; heartburn is a sign your digestion is off; or if you wake up with a sore throat and runny nose, you probably have a cold. But sometimes the signs we get are rather vague …so we might not suspect there is trouble brewing. This is especially true when...
- Tags: Cholesterol, Hormones, Liver Health