Cases of this disease are exploding—but no one’s talking about it
I think it’s fair to say that we should be able to expect the CDC to be rather thorough in its reporting of disease information. After all, the “Centers For Disease Control and Prevention” implies that they actually have reliable statistics to help control and prevent disease. Well, I beg to differ. Because there is a huge omission in the CDC’s disease statistics as they pertain to deaths and mortality, based on my recent...

This can save your life—or cause you to lose it
It’s been said that death begins in the colon. Many people misunderstand this statement and think, “What a crock. I don’t have colon cancer or digestive issues, so that’s a bunch of hogwash that doesn’t apply to me.” Not so fast. Just because you don’t have colon cancer or any other digestive disease, that doesn’t mean that your gut isn’t slowly and quietly numbering your days…without your even knowing it. Here is why it’s...

Ignore the hoopla and create a better-feeling you
Tomorrow is World Health Day and the WHO (World Health Organization) will be trumpeting about all the “authoritative health information” they provide to people all over the world.
Sorry, but I don’t buy it.
The WHO and other organizations just like it simply parrots what they have been told by mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Rarely will you see natural, holistic health measures given any degree of credibility.
Well, if you’re interested in truly celebrating World Health Day by actually doing something to promote health and a better-feeling you, you’re in the right place!
- Tags: dysbiosis, General Health, Healthy Living

A sly cause of numerous health problems
There is a very sly force within you that may be stirring up all kinds of health problems and unless you deal with it the right way, chances are excellent you will continue to suffer no matter how many medications your doctor gives you.
- Tags: Digestive Health, dysbiosis