Are you being poisoned by these?
When it comes to toxins and poisons, most people try to avoid them like the plague. But there are certain toxins that we are exposed to all the time (many are already inside of us!) that can have a devastating impact on your health and quality of life. I'm talking about heavy metals. Here's what you must know about heavy metals, what they can do to you, and how you can avoid them and...

5-part series: 5 Things You Must Do To Avoid An Early Death (Part 4)
Part 4: Eliminate and avoid toxins This Part 4 of my 5-part series “5 Things You Must Do To Avoid An Early Death” is designed to enlighten you on all of the possible ways that your body may be downright toxic…and you might not even know it! Although it’s not a pleasant thought, the truth is toxins are all around us and they are pretty hard to avoid. So virtually everyone is harboring toxins in...
- Tags: Blog, General Health, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, heavy metals, Toxins

Sneaky health destroyers that few doctors test for
I think it’s safe to say that when most people don’t feel quite right (or downright lousy), unless it’s something minor and short-lived like a cold, the average person will go to the doctor to see what’s wrong. And hopefully after whatever tests are necessary, get some answers and a solution. But alas, life does not always work out that way. Because it’s entirely possible that you can consult a doctor, go through a...