4 Ways to Help Prevent 2 Diseases


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4 Ways to Help Prevent 2 Diseases

Feb 10, 2025 0 comments
4 Ways to Help Prevent 2 Diseases


The month of February used to primarily be known for three things: Valentine’s Day, Presidents Day and the Super Bowl (congratulations, Philly fans!).

Oh, and frigid winters in the northeast which this former New Yorker-turned-Floridian does not miss one bit.

But February has stepped it up even more, because now it is both National Cancer Prevention Month AND American Heart Month!

I’d say that’s pretty darn important since heart disease and cancer consistently maintain their ranks as our numbers 1 and 2 killers.

But the good news is that there are 4 key prevention strategies to help protect you against BOTH diseases!

So, in honor of formidable February, here are the…

4 Ways to Help Prevent 2 Diseases

1. Take turmeric

Every daily 2-capsule dose of our Optimal Turmeric Blend provides an inflammation-soothing 750 mg of pure turmeric, plus an additional 5 mg of BioPerine™ (Black pepper fruit extract) to support maximum absorbency.

How it addresses cancer:

Turmeric’s unique chemical composition of nutrients, fiber and phytochemicals has been shown in numerous studies to help prevent various cancers as well as boost the immune system. 

Experts have observed that turmeric can both kill cancer cells and prevent further growth of those cells, and it has shown to be especially effective with breast, stomach, bowel and skin cancer cells.

How it addresses heart disease:

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help support the cardiovascular system and encourage healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

2. Take Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the King of cancer and heart disease prevention! And our Optimum DK Formula with Fruitex B is one of the best, most effective formulas available, providing 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3, along with its crucial partner Vitamins K1 and K2 and the mineral boron.

How it addresses cancer:

Vitamin D encourages sound immune function, thereby supporting your immune system in the fight against cancer. 

In addition, it has been proven to be an important player in protecting your body against several cancers, and it has been found to have anti-tumor properties. One study showed that taking Vitamin D supplements can cut your risk of pancreatic cancer in half!

How it addresses heart disease:

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that can counteract inflammation in your arteries and help lower blood pressure.

It’s also a common deficiency because so many people completely shun the sun, so supplementation is important, especially this time of year.

3. Make 3 life-saving dietary changes

The 3 most significant dietary modifications you can make in the fight against heart disease and cancer are:

  • Avoid sugars and refined carbs (which turn to sugar upon digestion). This includes soda, btw.
  • Avoid unhealthy fats, especially seed oils, polyunsaturated oils and margarine.
  • Increase your consumption of the “good stuff”—fresh vegetables, meats, poultry and fish, eggs, full-fat dairy and good fats like real butter, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and avocado.

How it addresses cancer:

It is a proven fact that sugar feeds cancer, so the more of it you put in your system, the more you nourish potential cancer cells.

Plus, sugar depresses your immune system functioning, and your immune system protects you against cancer! So, when your immune system is compromised by sugar cancer has a better chance to thrive.

In addition, lacking essential nutrients by having an unhealthy diet increases your cancer risk.

How it addresses heart disease:

Sugars, refined carbs and unhealthy fats are all very inflammatory foods, and heart disease is a condition of inflammation. So, the more these foods are avoided, the lower your level of inflammation and heart disease risk.

Don’t be fooled by the “heart healthy” claim of (rancid) polyunsaturated oils and margarine. They stir up inflammation in your system and when used for cooking, form compounds that are like deadly trans-fats.

4. Move it

No discussion of cancer and heart disease prevention would be complete without mentioning regular exercise!

Pick an activity you like or will at least tolerate and do it at least 4 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each time. Use your imagination! Try brisk walking, dancing, swimming, yoga, or in-home programs. Even walking the dog counts! 

And please don’t say you don’t have the time. There are 168 hours in a week—you can carve out 2 of those for exercise.

Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK first.

How it addresses cancer:

Cancer loves a toxic environment and thrives when there are lots of acidic wastes and toxins in your system. On the flip side, when your body is in a clean, alkaline state, cancer cannot survive.

Well, your skin is a primary organ of detox and the more you sweat with regular exercise, the cleaner you are on the inside—and a less desirable home for cancer!

How it addresses heart disease:

Exercise lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your heart, and improves blood flow—all very important in the quest for heart disease prevention.


Put these 4 measures to work for you and give cancer and heart disease a 1-2 punch during February and all year round!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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