The Top 3 Questions About GTNP


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The Top 3 Questions About GTNP

Aug 16, 2024 0 comments
The Top 3 Questions About GTNP


(Important general announcements at the end, please read through)

If you’ve been with Sherry & I since 2007, back when Sherry wrote the first edition of Great Taste No Pain, you’d know we didn’t start out as a supplement company. Our humble beginnings were centered on teaching you how to put your meals together so that you’d successfully digest your food and feel better for it!

This practice evolved beyond the Great Taste No Pain teachings; Sherry formulated Super Shield, then wrote Great Taste No Gluten (the GTNP for those with gluten sensitivity when it was a rather new concept in the mainstream discussion) then some more supplements like Vital Mega 3, she wrote Want to Lose Weight? Stop Dieting!, and so-on-and-so-forth until you see our boutique offerings today.

If you joined us in the beginning you’ve been through our growth, our pitfalls (looking at you “Backorder on Ingredients 2024” …) and stuck with us as we rise again from each setback we experience as a small Mother-Daughter run business. To say we’re grateful to have you with us now is an understatement. And, if you’re new to Holistic Blends – well, you just got a very brief company history lesson, and we’re so happy to have you too!

But I want to get back to our roots for a bit.

I remember a time wherein my entire work day was centered around customers writing or calling to ask “Can I eat *insert type of food here* with *insert other food here*”.

I do a LOT more these days as VP of Holistic Blends, but it always brings me a sense of nostalgia when I do get a new Great Taste follower who has some basic questions as they begin.

So I wanted to take today’s blog to encourage you, support you, and maybe even turn a few heads to Great Taste No Pain.

I’ll dive in to my three most asked questions about following Great Taste No Pain:

  1. Can I have a potato with my steak (or other meat of choice)?

The short and skinny of it is: nope! But don’t get discouraged because once you’ve read the book, you know this combination is wrought with conflicting foods that can make you bloated, uncomfortable, sleepy, or even straight up nauseated. Dreading a steak dinner without a creamy delicious side dish? Well, me too. Thankfully, you can mash well steamed cauliflower and mix in flavors that are reminiscent of mashed potatoes (like sour cream and chives, or cheddar cheese, or simply milk, butter, salt, and pepper) and you’re good to go on calming that “meat and potatoes” craving we know so well. (Pro Tip: Mashed turnips work well too prepared in the same manner!)

  1. I really want a deli meat sandwich, what do I do?

Two words, my friend: Cloud Bread. The reality of the situation is that a sandwich is a super simple lunch to pack and head to work with. You’ll see “low carb” breads on the shelf in stores now, but they’re still starchy to the point that you’re mixing things that ought not to be mixed when you add meat to it. Lettuce wraps are awesome to keep your starch away from your meats, but it’s fun to switch things up occasionally. In comes cloud bread. If you’re a meal prepper like I am, I spend a little time each Sunday making sure I have what I need to throw together the easiest lunches for the week since (especially on my shipping days of Monday through Wednesday) I’m really, really busy so I’ll make a batch of cloud bread so I can throw together a sandwich that doesn’t make my digestive system scream “Lady, what did you just do?!”. It’s simple and it doesn’t take long at all, so if you’re burnt out on lettuce wrapping, work these in to your rotation: Cloud Bread Recipe

  1. What about my beverages? Doesn’t milk/cream in my coffee count as a protein?

Don’t overthink this. If you want to, I won’t stop you, but really don’t stress yourself out thinking about the starch vs. protein content of your daily beverages. Focus on your food combinations, drink your water, and all will be well.

So that does it! I hope it was encouraging for you to stick with this way of eating so you’re able to reap all the awesome benefits of doing so.

And if you haven’t jumped on this OG bandwagon yet, you can join us here:

Great Taste No Pain.

All My Best,

Danielle Moon

PS – Some Housekeeping:

The office will be closed August 22nd through August 27th, this includes emails, phone calls, chat, and shipping. All daily functions will resume on August 28th. The website will be available to you 24/7 as always for any orders you need placed, or blog reading you’d like to do.

I will work quickly and efficiently to pack your orders and have them out the door for you upon my return on the 28th.

While the Super Shield (regular) and Digestizol waiting period goes on, I will be sure to post any and all updates on the red announcement banner on the website, and all will be included in our Monday, Wednesday, Friday emails as soon as there is news to share.

Thank you all so much for your patience as we work through this trying time.

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