How to naturally fight viruses, heart disease and more!
Although the pharmaceutical industry would LOVE for you to believe that the only way to combat heart disease, viruses, and many other illnesses is with their toxic chemicals, that’s simply not true! Because Nature has given us a plethora of herbs, spices and other plants that can either equal or most times outdo pharma’s pills, safely and effectively, without the risk of deadly side effects. Two of Nature’s superstars that could arguably replace several...

Beyond SIBO—the incredible health benefits of oregano and garlic!
Although the oregano and garlic in our outstanding SIBO Defense Blend are (naturally) very effective at fighting SIBO and supporting a healthier gut bacteria balance, the incredible health benefits of these two herbs go WAAAAY beyond SIBO! Here is a more complete resume for these two gems of Nature, proving that SIBO Defense Blend can be used for much more than just SIBO! We’ll start with… [[big4]]10 of the best health benefits of oregano[[end]]...

Got gas? This could be why
I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that virtually 100 percent of my clients report at least occasional gas and bloating…and probably at least half suffer from painful beach-ball belly on a regular basis. What makes this difficult is that there is a multitude of possible reasons why flatulence is your friend and bloating is your buddy…so getting to the bottom of it can be tricky. Conditions that can cause chronic gas and bloating...