How to keep your brain sharp for life!
It’s common for adults to joke around about forgetfulness or “CRS disease” as we age, but in reality, mental decline (dementia) is no laughing matter. In fact, here are some recent statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association from 2023: An estimated 6.7 million Americans over age 65 are living with Alzheimer’s dementia. About 1 in 9 people (10.8 percent) over age 65 have Alzheimer’s dementia. Deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease between 2000 and 2019 have...

6 Sharp brain strategies to help prevent dementia
Here is a little joke that will start your day with a chuckle: Two elderly women (Mildred and Harriet) were out for a drive. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The light was red, but Mildred just went on through. Harriet thought to herself, "I could have sworn we just went through a red light." A few minutes later they came to another red light and again Mildred drove right...
- Tags: aluminum, Brain Health, Dementia, Vitamin B12

How to slash your risk of dementia
People sometimes joke around about forgetfulness or “CRS disease” as we age, but in reality, mental decline (dementia) is no laughing matter. Currently one in three senior citizens dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, and over six million Americans are living with the condition. Even more disturbingly, that number is projected to rise to 13 million over the next few decades. And it’s not just old age! While dementia is typically found...

The many ways heartburn drugs can kill you
Here we go again. The pharmaceutical industry has made yet ANOTHER “slip-up” that has potentially threatened the lives of millions of people using one of its toxic medications. This time it’s ranitidine (aka Zantac). The FDA recently recalled ranitidine because it contains N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is a human carcinogen, and the attorneys are lining up to file a tsunami of lawsuits on behalf of cancer sufferers. What makes this particularly frightening is that Zantac...

Slash your risk of dementia with these simple tips
My Mom (who passed away in 2015 at age 94) spent the last three years of her life in a nursing home after falling and breaking her hip. And although those final years were filled with pain and being confined to a wheelchair, she would always say to me with a smile, “I hurt from head to toe, but it’s OK, Sher. I still know who you are.” Amen! Unfortunately, increasing numbers of people...
- Tags: Dementia, Healthy Living, Mental Health

How to slash your risk of dementia
My dear mother (who passed away in 2015 at age 94) used to smile and say to me, “I might hurt from head to toe with arthritis, but it’s OK, Sher. At least I still know who you are.”
How true!
Although it’s the subject of many jokes, age-related memory loss (dementia) is a painfully sad and frightening condition, both for the sufferer and their loved ones.
But the good news is there are several measures you can take to slash your risk of dementia!
- Tags: Dementia, Mental Health