Soothing Zzzz's Blend


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Soothing Zzzz's Blend

Jun 12, 2024 0 comments
Soothing Zzzz's Blend


One of the most common complaints that American adults report to their doctors is poor sleep.

Sadly, that’s no surprise. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, 30-40 percent of US adults incur occasional insomnia, and about 10-15 percent suffer from chronic insomnia.

Contrary to what you might think, poor sleep is much more serious than merely feeling tired and yawning a lot the next day. Even ONE night of poor sleep can affect you in these ways:

  • Your mood becomes depressed
  • Your ability to concentrate drops
  • Levels of essential nutrients like zinc and magnesium drop
  • Vitamin C gets used up at an increased rate
  • Your immune cells’ functioning plummets

The long-term effects are even more alarming and can include:

  • Increased risk of accidents at work and while driving
  • Elevated risk of overweight or obesity 
  • Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes 
  • Impaired brain function and increased risk of memory loss
  • Higher risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer

Sleep drugs—arguably worse than lacking sleep!

When people report suffering from insomnia, the typical mainstream medical answer is a sleep drug like Lunesta or Ambien.

But these drugs are arguably worse than lacking sleep!

In addition to the possibility of addiction and serious withdrawal when trying to discontinue the medication, the side effects of Lunesta and Ambien can include:

  • Abnormal thoughts
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Daytime sleepiness 
  • Dizziness
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory loss
  • New/worsening depression
  • Suicidal ideation

Better answers, better sleep

The good news is you can make a significant difference in your quality of sleep—safely and naturally!

Here are five very effective ideas to consider:

1- Reduce stress

If stress, anxiety and/or tension are your regular companions, it’s time to get a handle on it. 

Exercise is a great stress and tension reliever. Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK first.

You can also try meditation, prayer, a warm bath with Epsom salts, sipping chamomile tea and even adopting a pet (if you’re an animal lover).

Also, avoid late night TV watching, especially news channels or suspenseful, sad or violent movies.

2- Avoid alcohol and stimulants

Most people are aware that drinking caffeinated beverages (including soda, coffee and tea) in the evening can lead to a night filled with tossing and turning, but alcohol can disrupt your sleep too.

3- Darken your room

Darkness is essential to proper, restful sleep, but many of us have night lights, alarm clocks, cell phones and TVs in or near our bedrooms, and these devices are most assuredly compromising your sleep to some degree.

Strive to make your room as dark as possible by eliminating as many sources of light as you can. Also, try to get room-darkening shades to block out light from streetlights.

4- Explore alternatives to medications

Here are several popular types of medications that can cause insomnia:

  • ACE inhibitors, Alpha-blockers and Beta-blockers for high blood pressure
  • Steroids
  • SSRI antidepressants
  • Cholinesterase inhibitors used to treat Alzheimer’s
  • H1 antagonists for allergies
  • Statins
  • Angiotensin II-receptor blockers (ARBs) used to treat coronary artery disease or heart failure

If you are on these or any other kind of medication, check the package insert to see if insomnia is a side effect and if so, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

5- Try melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that is derived from the amino acid tryptophan and the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is produced naturally in your pineal gland, and in smaller amounts by other organs.

Melatonin is crucial for maintaining your body’s circadian rhythm (i.e.: your sleep/wake cycle) so that you are alert and energized during the day and become sleepy in the evening.

But melatonin production can be affected by factors such as alcohol, caffeine and smoking, as well as night shift work.

In addition, our melatonin levels may decrease naturally with age, which is why it becomes harder for people over 60 years of age to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

If you feel that low melatonin levels may occasionally be affecting your sleep, our Soothing Zzzz’s Blend can help!

Soothing Zzzz’s Blend is a vegan, non-GMO gummy supplement that provides the optimal, restful sleep-supporting 5 mg. dose of melatonin that is frequently recommended by health experts and doctors for people with sleep problems.

The Sandman’s calling YOU

When you look at the possible reasons for your poor sleep and do what you can to turn them around, you too can start getting a regular call from the Sandman!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Here are some common questions we receive about Soothing Zzzz’s Blend:

Q: Is it a permanent fix?

A: Melatonin supplements are designed and intended to help with occasional sleep problems. But they cannot undo or mitigate the effects that stress, alcohol, a nutrient-poor diet or certain medications may have on your quality of sleep.

Q: Should I start out slow?

A: The typical recommended dose for melatonin is 5 mg, but some people find that a smaller dose does the trick. So it may be worth considering starting out by taking one gummy (2.5 mg) instead of two.

Q: What about the sugar?

A: The 4 grams of sugar in each 2-gummy serving of Soothing Zzzz’s Blend was intended to help enhance the pleasant taste of the product.

Note that we will be reformatting the product to make it sugar-free, so it is more ideal for everyone, but in the meantime, it’s important to provide some perspective on the sugar.

Here are the sugar contents of other products that you may use frequently or daily for comparison:

  • Peanut butter (2 tablespoons): 3 grams sugar
  • Coca-Cola (1 can): 39 grams sugar
  • Starbuck’s latte: 42 – 73 grams sugar (depending on the flavor)
  • Monster energy drink: 54 grams sugar
  • Chobani Greek yogurt: 14 grams sugar
  • Barbecue sauce (2 tablespoons): 9 grams sugar
  • Nutri-Grain cereal bars: 39 grams sugar

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