10 Surprising signs of digestive problems
When the average person hears the words “digestive problems” visions of gas, heartburn and burping come to mind.
But sometimes digestive problems don’t come out as digestive symptoms! Instead they can be something totally different that you would never associate to your GI tract.
Here are 10 sneaky signs of digestive problems that you should start paying attention to:
Sherry’s Top 10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
The holidays are upon us and that means many people will grow to hate their bathroom scale even more than usual. Lo and behold, the holiday eating pounds can begin creeping on again this year! But it doesn’t have to be that way! Holiday weight gain does not have to be a given. You CAN sail through the holidays, enjoy yourself and maintain your weight—it’s easier than you think.
- Tags: Healthy Eating, Weight Management
End Thanksgiving indigestion and a great pie recipe!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!
And while I hope we remember to give sincere thanks for all our blessings and reach out to those less fortunate, let’s face it, we’re all going to be busy eating one heck of a meal!
Unfortunately, many will be paying the price afterwards!
Gas, bloating, heartburn, flatulence, you-name-it.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here’s why.
- Tags: Digestive Health, Healthy Eating, Recipes
2,000 year-old advice beats modern medicine at treating disease
I have an intriguing quote for you today about the relationship between food and health. See if you can guess who said it:
“Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can heal the patient with food.”
Know who said it?
Give up?
Hippocrates. The Father of Modern Medicine.
- Tags: Disease, Healthy Living
Hit a diet brick wall? How to blast through
Let’s say you decide you want to lose 20 pounds. So you start eating better and exercising and lo and behold, the pounds start coming off! Then BAM! The weight stops coming off and you’ve hit a diet brick wall.
A special announcement for acid reflux sufferers
I have a special announcement for all you acid reflux sufferers. Today is National Spicy Guacamole Day! Now, if the mere thought of spicy foods like guacamole just set your chest on fire, or you think I’m off my rocker to even mention spicy foods to you, hear me out.
- Tags: acid reflux, Digestive Disorders, Recipes