Holistic Blends Blog


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8 out of 10 people have this deadly deficiency—do you?

8 out of 10 people have this deadly deficiency—do you?

It’s pretty safe to say that lacking in nutrients is never a good thing. They all have their own “specialties” in terms of how they support your health. But there’s one nutrient in particular that you don’t want to be low in. Because without the inner workings of this nutrient taking place in your body, your health will most assuredly suffer…and it can even be deadly.
Feb 13, 2018 0 comments

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The worst (and best) ways to lose weight

The worst (and best) ways to lose weight

A close friend recently reported to me that her doctor was concerned that her blood pressure was slightly elevated.  He was quick to recommend medication, but my friend said, “I think if I just lose some weight, I’ll be fine,” so the doctor agreed to let her try.  This is where it gets juicy.
Feb 12, 2018 0 comments

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Rates of this disease are exploding—will you be next?

Rates of this disease are exploding—will you be next?

As much as I wish I could say otherwise, despite all the dollars dumped into medical care and all the technological advancements we’ve made, as a society we are getting sicker and Sicker and SICKER.   One of the disease types that is literally spiraling out of control is autoimmune diseases.
Feb 09, 2018 0 comments

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Why is this year’s flu season so bad?

Why is this year’s flu season so bad?

The 2017-2018 “flu season” is being called by many as one of the worst on record, with laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza illness at about 126,000 for the season.  The H3N2 strain (or “subtype”) of the influenza A virus is said to be especially prevalent this year, and that is allegedly why so many people are getting sick.  And of course, amid all of this, people are being urged to get their flu shots!
Feb 08, 2018 0 comments

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Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is wrong!

Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is wrong!

But what if I were to say that most of what you have been told about cholesterol is either not entirely accurate, or downright WRONG?
The average person’s understanding of cholesterol is the result of careful manipulation by food companies and statin manufacturers…both of which want to scare you into using their products.
But when you understand what cholesterol really is, you see that it’s something your body needs—without it you would die!
Feb 07, 2018 2 comments

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6 Factors that cause early death—and how to stop them

6 Factors that cause early death—and how to stop them

Here are 6 of the most significant (controllable) factors that cause early death. See how many of them apply to you, and how you can stop their harmful effects.
And quite likely live a longer life as a result!
Jan 31, 2018 0 comments

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