We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!
We are at a very unique time in our existence with respect to food and nutrients, and unfortunately, this is not a good thing.
In our grandparents’ day, one of the most prevalent concerns was not having enough food and the resulting nutrient deficiencies…in other words, being underfed and undernourished.

Study: Orange juice causes cancer?
It seems every time I look at headline news, I feel like I’m reading the National Enquirer.
Sensationalism. Drama. Fear-mongering. Exaggeration. And extremely one-sided, slanted reporting.
The latest headline that caught my eye was all the above.
“Study links common drink to skin cancer.”
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Eating, Processed food, Sugar

What Americans 50 and over need to know
May is “Older Americans Month.”
Now, I don’t know specifically at what age one earns the title of “older” but I would guess it’s referring to people 50 and over.
I’ve been in the health field for over 30 years and I can say that it certainly seems like things start breaking down once people hit the big 5-0.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Now, I don’t know specifically at what age one earns the title of “older” but I would guess it’s referring to people 50 and over.
I’ve been in the health field for over 30 years and I can say that it certainly seems like things start breaking down once people hit the big 5-0.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
- Tags: Aging, General Health, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living

Study: Acid reducers cause liver disease
The dangers of acid reducing medications (aka proton pump inhibitors or PPIs) seem to be never-ending!
These drugs have already been linked to increased risk of heart attacks, chronic kidney disease and dementia, increased susceptibility to fractures, greater vulnerability to infections, impaired digestion, an unhealthy gut microbiome, vitamin B12 deficiency, food borne illnesses, and a greater overall death risk.
These drugs have already been linked to increased risk of heart attacks, chronic kidney disease and dementia, increased susceptibility to fractures, greater vulnerability to infections, impaired digestion, an unhealthy gut microbiome, vitamin B12 deficiency, food borne illnesses, and a greater overall death risk.

Are you Bloated and Gassy?
One of the most common complaints people (especially women) report to their doctors is that they are ALWAYS bloated and gassy.
Unfortunately, since most doctors are focused on addressing symptoms—not underlying causes—many people with digestive issues are simply dismissed with one or more medications.
Unfortunately, since most doctors are focused on addressing symptoms—not underlying causes—many people with digestive issues are simply dismissed with one or more medications.
- Tags: Digestive Health, Gas

Your wake-up call to prevent early death
I was in my local Wegmans recently and I swear everyone I passed had trouble walking, or waddled, or seemed to be in pain as they moved.
And without exception, their carts were full of highly processed, packaged foods, soda and sweets!
All I could think was, “I’m surrounded by early death in the making.”
If I’ve even remotely described you, read this email in its entirety.
And without exception, their carts were full of highly processed, packaged foods, soda and sweets!
All I could think was, “I’m surrounded by early death in the making.”
If I’ve even remotely described you, read this email in its entirety.