Holistic Blends Blog


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Ladies, an important health message for you

Ladies, an important health message for you

  I feel truly blessed to be able to say that I love what I do.  It really jazzes me to write books and blogs, consult one on one with clients, design helpful supplements, give dietary suggestions, and one of my very favorite things to do--speak and interact with people at conferences. Normally the questions I get at conferences are geared toward what I just spoke about—whether it’s IBS, energy, the importance of pH, etc.—but...

Jul 27, 2020 4 comments

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The best supplements for men and women

The best supplements for men and women

  In the enormous ocean of supplements, there are many products that tout they are “especially for” men or women. But is that just marketing hype? Well, let’s start by taking a look at nutrients. [[big3]]The nutrients women need most[[end]] It is estimated that at least 30 percent of women are deficient in one or more nutrients, and that number jumps up as we age and especially if you use acid reducers. Although ALL nutrients...

Jul 01, 2020 0 comments

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10 Ways to boost your energy fast!

10 Ways to boost your energy fast!

  I’m going to go out on a limb today and guess that you don’t always have nearly the level of energy that you’d like to have. Fair statement? It’s not surprising.  Lacking energy is one of the most common reasons that people consult their doctors.  But what makes this challenging is that there are many potential reasons why you may be resembling Dagwood Bumstead on a regular basis. So it’s important to figure out...

May 25, 2020 2 comments

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Beyond BO—what sweating really means!

Beyond BO—what sweating really means!

  I ran 10.25 miles yesterday morning and to say I was sweaty afterwards is a bit of an understatement. As a matter of fact, my son (who turns 22 years old today!) looked at my running shirt that was literally dripping and said laughingly, “Nice, Mom.  You going to wear that to the office today?”  (Wise guy.) All kidding aside, whether we like it or not, everyone sweats from time to time and that’s...

May 06, 2020 0 comments

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Breast cancer—what you should really be “aware” of

Breast cancer—what you should really be “aware” of

I was in a pharmacy buying a birthday card recently, and the cashier asked me if I would like to donate an extra dollar over my bill for breast cancer research. She looked almost offended when I said no. But I said no with confidence because I know where that dollar will go, and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything helpful regarding breast cancer. As I’m sure you know, October is National Breast...

Oct 18, 2019 0 comments

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An amazing story for Women’s History Month

An amazing story for Women’s History Month

  March is Women’s History Month. And there is no shortage of inspiring women who have overcome tremendous odds and made a difference in their life and the lives of others. Trisha is one of those women. Trisha is a client of mine who underwent a major health transformation in the period of a year. During that year, she was able to wean off two dangerous prescription medications--drugs that she thought she'd have to take...

Mar 27, 2019 5 comments

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