Holistic Blends Blog


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Going through menopause? This can help!

Going through menopause? This can help!

  Here are a couple of funny quotes about menopause to start your day with a smile: Wouldn’t it be amazing if we burned as many calories in a hot flash as we did doing a 5-mile run? I swear, if my memory were any worse, I could plan my own surprise party. Although it can be the subject of many jokes and even a hit musical comedy, for women who have gone though it...

Jan 31, 2022 1 comment

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A REAL breast cancer prevention plan

A REAL breast cancer prevention plan

  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and if I had my way, I would change that to Breast Cancer Prevention Month. Because billions of research dollars have been raised over the last several decades to “find the cure,” yet we are still faced with the fact that cancer is our number 2 killer. So, what have all these billions of dollars bought us?  Lots of pink ribbons? And unfortunately, it appears very little...

Oct 25, 2021 3 comments

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Women’s Check-up Day—don’t make this mistake

Women’s Check-up Day—don’t make this mistake

  Today is National Women’s Check-up Day. Taking measures to make sure you don’t have any unknown health issues brewing, or to ensure that your health hasn’t worsened, is certainly a good idea. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re free and clear just because your pap smear and mammogram are negative, or your blood work fell within the magic numbers and your doc gave you a thumbs up. Because even though you might...

May 10, 2021 7 comments

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Can we talk about a taboo subject?

Can we talk about a taboo subject?

  I have to confess that I get my inspirations for writing sometimes in the strangest, most warped ways. Today I have an appointment for my annual GYN checkup…and while I’m happy to report I’m feeling fine, the same cannot be said for many other women who may be paying a visit to their gynecologist today. Because one of the most common reasons to see a GYN is a vaginal yeast infection! Ah yes, most...

Jan 14, 2021 1 comment

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Never get another urinary tract infection again!

Never get another urinary tract infection again!

  I remember back in 1980 during my first year of college, I got the one and only urinary tract infection that I’ve ever had in my life.  And the experience was so horrible, I still remember it vividly 40 years later. I was taking my finals and kept getting this incredible urge to pee.  I think the exam proctor suspected I may be cheating and had somebody hiding in the bathroom giving me test...

Nov 11, 2020 4 comments

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Breast cancer--what you really should be “aware” of

Breast cancer--what you really should be “aware” of

  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and judging by the PSAs on my Facebook feed to “get your mammogram,” it appears everyone’s pretty aware of it. And although many events have had to go virtual this year due to COVID restrictions, there are still “races for the cure” happening around the country, aiming to raise money for breast cancer research. The largest of the breast cancer charities, the Susan G. Komen Foundation (or...

Oct 09, 2020 2 comments

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