The depression causes no one talks about
If you are among the 1 out of 10 Americans that is depressed and are not seeing any improvements (or worse yet, are suffering nasty side effects) from the SSRI antidepressants you’ve been given, there is a very good reason for that.
- Tags: Healthy Living, Mental Health
A surprising cause of your sickness and pain
If you suspect Candida has been secretly affecting your health, or want to help keep it under control, now is the time to face that fungal monster and minimize its harmful effects on you!
- Tags: Disease, General Health, Immune Health
How to guarantee you’ll get cancer
I think it’s safe to say that most people are hoping their number doesn’t come up in the cancer lottery. So they dutifully get their pap smears and PSA tests, mammograms and colonoscopies, slather themselves in sunscreen, watch for changes in moles, and keep their fingers crossed.
- Tags: Cancer, Healthy Eating, Immune Health, Inflammation
Your best cold and flu prevention
The holidays are upon us and while it’s “the most wonderful time of the year,” it’s also a time where a lot of people get sick with a cold or the flu! But that doesn’t have to include you. Because there are 8 safe, effective, natural ways to help prevent sickness during the holidays and all year round!
- Tags: General Health, Immune Health
Are you caught in this unhealthy trap?
There is an interesting phenomenon in mainstream medicine that I call “running on the white coat treadmill.” It occurs when you go to the doctor for a problem, maybe have some tests, receive your diagnosis and are given a prescription for a medication. You take the drug but you don’t feel better or you start suffering side effects, so you go back to the doctor and get a second prescription.
- Tags: Digestive Health, Immune Health
Guess who had a heart attack…and how you can lower your risk
American Heart Association (AHA) President Dr. John Warner (a cardiologist) suffered a heart attack at a health conference in Anaheim, CA last month. Thankfully he was taken to a local hospital where doctors inserted a stent to open a clogged artery and is reportedly doing well. But you must admit it is the ultimate irony…
- Tags: Healthy Living, Heart Health