Holistic Blends Blog


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These deadly drugs killed another person—who’s next?

These deadly drugs killed another person—who’s next?

An announcement was recently made by the family of Tom Petty (one of my favorite musicians) that his untimely death was the result of an “accidental overdose” of pain medications, including the opioid Fentanyl. Apparently Tom was suffering from a fractured hip and knee problems which understandably caused a tremendous amount of pain.
You may recall that the musician Prince’s death was also caused by a fatal dose of doctor-prescribed Fentanyl.  All I can say is, “Who’s next?”
Jan 22, 2018 0 comments

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Do you know these heart attack warning signs?

Do you know these heart attack warning signs?

Today is a rather somber day for me.  Forty years ago today my Dad died of a massive heart attack.  I was only 15 years old, and at the time, my level of understanding was that a heart attack was just something that happens to an unlucky person.

Jan 19, 2018 0 comments

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Do you make these excuses too?

Do you make these excuses too?

Most people know darn well that nutritious foods are important.  But the problem is that there are sneaky little excuses that pop up and prevent you from eating as healthy as you should.  Let’s look at 6 of the most common excuses for a bad diet, and see how you can blast through them and get on the road to a healthier (and slimmer) YOU!
Jan 17, 2018 0 comments

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This is what’s wrong with modern medicine

This is what’s wrong with modern medicine

I recently saw an article where a medical doctor was poking fun at a natural herbal cough syrup.   Intrigued, I looked up the product ingredients and saw it included the following:

Jan 16, 2018 0 comments

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The best way to detox

The best way to detox

If you were to do an internet search for “detox” or “cleanse,” the results you’d get would number into the hundreds of millions.  Detoxing and cleansing the body is BIG business, with a wide variety of products and protocols to choose from, including juices, fasts and special diets.
Jan 12, 2018 0 comments

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Eating fast food is OK if you do this

Eating fast food is OK if you do this

You probably realize that having a fast food diet combined with being a couch potato is a pretty sure path to aging and disease.  But you may be surprised to learn that research has shown regular exercise may undo the effects of an unhealthy diet!
Jan 09, 2018 0 comments

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