I need to hear from YOU now!


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I need to hear from YOU now!

Jul 29, 2020 84 comments
I need to hear from YOU now!


I would like to switch things up a bit in today’s blog.

Instead of me talking about a certain subject and giving you natural strategies to overcome illness and/or prevent getting sick to begin with, I’d like to turn today’s blog over to YOU and ask you what you want to read about, and I will share the information in an upcoming blog!

It an understatement to say that we are in times of extreme uncertainty…and it’s my job and desire to help you by providing truthful, accurate, needed information and suggestions for improvement in your health.

So, I need to hear from you as to what you are looking for!

Here are some possibilities:

  • What concerns you in terms of your health?


  • What do you find confusing and/or need clarification about? Whether it’s a drug, test, treatment or other concern, let me know how I can help set the record straight for you!


  • Are you wondering about the merits of a certain diet you’ve come across? I will certainly give you my opinion!


  • Which of our supplements have helped you the most and how? (Note: if you share a success story about one of our supplements, I will choose 10 of the top stories and send you a FREE bottle of the supplement you wrote about!)


  • Do you find yourself under more stress or feel more anxious than ever before about your health future? What are your worries and what would you like me to talk about?


These are only suggestions, and I certainly welcome all questions.

I also want to remind you that, as a practitioner holding a Master’s degree in holistic nutrition, I am not affiliated with any organization, pharmaceutical company, association or other entity that may look to sway, influence or impact my professional opinion in any way, nor do I accept financial remuneration or donations from the same.

It’s just me, my expertise, my books and my supplements, and 2 decades of helping people from all walks of life to improve their health, eliminate the need for medications, lose weight and feel a whole lot better!

So please let me hear from you!  You can comment below or send us an email at: asksherry@holisticblends.com

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hi, Sherry! I am 80 years old, 5 ft.,108 lbs. Due to IBS, gastritis, etc., I started following GTNP more than 15 years ago with great success and hardly ever strayed away from it. Lately, though, I seem to be cheating a lot, eating and combining foods that are a no-no under GTNP, and it has hardly affected me at all, and I like what I’ve been eating. I am trying to figure that out and would like your input.

    In the way of background information, I started straying away from the plan around the first of this year when my husband’s doctor told him he should lose about 20 lbs. As the person in our 2-person household who does 100% of the cooking — we hardly ever eat out - I did my share to help him lose weight. We went off a lot of the GTNP good stuff we’d been eating (good-grain bread, a little pasta, lots of beans and brown rice, Mexican food, etc. ) and reduced our daily intake of Carbs to less than 70 per day. Within 4 -5 months, my husband lost and has been able to keep off 20 lbs. and I lost about 3 lbs., although I’d rather be at 111 where I’d been for years. During the 4-5 months we were losing weight, we ate loads of vegetables, salads, chicken, fish, pork, red meat, cheese, and eggs, and a tiny serving of dessert every evening because my husband loves it. We did not eat much fruit because of the sugar in it.
    The above was, to me, all good under GTNP, except maybe for the red meat which I had not even tasted for at least 14 years but am now eating it a least once a week. We are continuing to eat salads, veggies, etc., as when we were losing weight and I’m slowly adding a few beans, grains, etc to our meals - sometimes in combination with animal proteins. Not good by GTNP standards; and, I’m eating more dessert than I use to and find I like it! Strangely, the food I’m now eating and the way I’m combining them when cooking, doesn’t seem to have adversely affected me except maybe for an increase in my need for something sweet. Maybe it’s not because I’m straying from GTNP; rather, could it be COVID-related stress that’s tickling my sweet tooth?
    What do you make of all this Sherry?
    Will my recent bad habits catch up with me? I am so convinced you know what you’re talking about that I don’t hesitate in the least to ask the question. I follow your daily e-mail religiously and tout your virtues to anyone who’s willing to listen. By the way, I take one Super-Shield sometime during the night — on an empty stomach — and that continues to work well for me after taking it for many years. I tried your Turmeric blend but found a better price for a comparable product at COSTCO — Mea Culpa! I take a small dose of a blood pressure medication and a thyroid pill for hypothyroidism. I do have lots of aches and pains from osteoarthritis and am currently on medication for sinus issues — something new for me. But, for an 80 year old, I think I’m doing OK. I can’t turn back the clock — nor would I want to. I love my life; I’ve been blessed, and I’m thankful. …And thankful for you, too!

    Fran Theberge on

  • Hi Sherry- I have been following your blogs for many years- I have been taking Super Shield all that time – It has truly been a life saver for me. I have had serious diverticulitis for much of my adult life- in recent years I have kept it under control using Super Shield, together with testing and adusting for food sensitivities, and prebiotics and a Fiberwise. I am indebted to you for your great insights and products. -Cheers -Bill

    Bill Mann on

  • You give good advice, but I wondered about your not wearing a mask on the plane during this COVID-19 pandemic.

    Wilfred david Danielson on

  • Hi Sherry from nz🤗 been following your posts for years and followed your guidelines for good health. 71 this year – fit and healthy and pharma free… i take supplements recommended by you and feel this is now vital! Keep on keeping on Sherry! god bless…

    Jenny Gowling on

  • Hi Sherry: I have been using your probiotics for several years now. I don’t want to be with out them, however lately they don’t seem to be working as well. So I was wondering if your company changed something in them.


    Petra on

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