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What you’ve been told about osteoporosis is wrong

What you’ve been told about osteoporosis is wrong

If I were to tell you that you could bake a moist, delicious cake by simply dumping some flour and sugar in a pan and putting it in the oven, what would you think?
Hopefully, something like, “Um, Sher, what about all the other ingredients? Just flour and sugar will create a mess—not a cake.”
And you’d be right.
Well, the typical advice for osteoporosis is about as lacking…and the result is much more serious than a bad cake.
Here’s why:
Nov 07, 2018 4 comments

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Surprising depression causes and answers!

Surprising depression causes and answers!

In our pharma-bombarded world, we have become a society where there is (at least) one medication for most conditions. But with very few exceptions, the drugs don’t “cure” a thing—all they do is mask symptoms and cause side effects.
Sep 10, 2018 2 comments

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9 ways to ease and prevent migraines

9 ways to ease and prevent migraines

About 39 million people in the US, and over a billion people worldwide suffer from migraine attacks.  Ninety-one percent of them can't work or function normally during an attack, and as many as 1 out of 4 ends up in the emergency room!
Jun 29, 2018 2 comments

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A new deadly side effect of antibiotics

A new deadly side effect of antibiotics

The medical and scientific communities are becoming increasingly aware that although antibiotics have saved lives, they also have a very dark side.
Studies have shown that long-term antibiotic use can disrupt your friendly gut flora to the point where your immune functioning is dramatically reduced, making you more susceptible to infections and disease.
May 18, 2018 4 comments

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We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!

We’ve never seen this in the history of mankind!

We are at a very unique time in our existence with respect to food and nutrients, and unfortunately, this is not a good thing.

In our grandparents’ day, one of the most prevalent concerns was not having enough food and the resulting nutrient deficiencies…in other words, being underfed and undernourished.

May 07, 2018 9 comments

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6 Factors that cause early death—and how to stop them

6 Factors that cause early death—and how to stop them

Here are 6 of the most significant (controllable) factors that cause early death. See how many of them apply to you, and how you can stop their harmful effects.
And quite likely live a longer life as a result!
Jan 31, 2018 0 comments

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