Holistic Blends Blog


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Kelly Ripa does this to feel good—do you?

Kelly Ripa does this to feel good—do you?

  When it comes to diet crazes, nobody outdoes Hollywood! Celebrities embrace a seemingly endless variety of fads, all claiming to be the Holy Grail of diets, and people mimic them, hoping to achieve the same results (aka look like a star). But ultimately, the fad eventually fades into the abyss of old has-been diet crazes. That’s why an article I recently read about the TV talk show hostess Kelly Ripa was so REFRESHING! In...

Feb 28, 2020 0 comments

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Read this before your morning coffee!

Read this before your morning coffee!

  When I travel, there are typically 2 certainties that I can always count on. A delay in at least one of my flights and a mile-long line at Starbucks.  It’s the second of the two that I want to talk to you about today.  Because if you’re a Starbucks (or other fancy coffee shop) worshipper, I have an important message for you. Those coffees that you love so much have a very dark side—and...

Jul 29, 2019 3 comments

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Want to know how to really prevent cancer?

Want to know how to really prevent cancer?

  February is National Cancer Prevention Month and ribbons in all colors of the rainbow are popping up everywhere to raise awareness about our #2 killer. Organizations like the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the Mayo Clinic are regurgitating the same old prevention strategies—don’t use tobacco, eat a healthy diet, exercise and go for annual screenings (like mammograms)—even though those screenings expose you to cancer-causing radiation! Oops. Plus now vaccines for HPV...

Feb 07, 2019 5 comments

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Put up your No Vacancy sign for cancer!

Put up your No Vacancy sign for cancer!

I did a presentation at a cancer survivors’ support group meeting and it was a real eye-opener for me.  Because it made me realize how in the dark most people continue to be about cancer.

It’s time people knew the truth about cancer, and they finally see where we are grossly lacking in our focus as we share stories, run races and wear ribbons.


Jun 13, 2018 9 comments

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Have you had this important test done yet?

Have you had this important test done yet?

When it comes to assessing how healthy you are, certain test numbers come into play including: Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood glucose and BMI.  But arguably one of the most telling numbers with respect to your level of health (or lack thereof) is something that isn’t even routinely tested or discussed.

Apr 23, 2018 7 comments

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The 10 worst inflammatory foods you should avoid

The 10 worst inflammatory foods you should avoid

We are an inflamed society and have the disease statistics to prove it!  Chronic inflammatory conditions like heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases are responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths in the US each year.
Aug 21, 2017 2 comments

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