Holistic Blends Blog


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Are you a likely target for cancer?  How to tell

Are you a likely target for cancer? How to tell

  A very dear friend of mine from college was just diagnosed with cancer. We had been keeping in touch over the last 10 years or so, thanks to social media.  I had noticed that several of her Facebook posts were recipes for rich desserts and other sweets…and I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been troubled about that for some time.  I knew she was overweight and had been warned that her blood glucose levels...

Sep 14, 2020 4 comments

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Promising hope for Parkinson’s disease & prevention

Promising hope for Parkinson’s disease & prevention

Although the rates of all forms of autoimmune disease continue to rise, one in particular that is experiencing explosive growth is Parkinson’s disease (PD). Second only to Alzheimer’s at this point in the neurological disease category, about 10 million people worldwide and one million Americans suffer from PD.  But those numbers may be grossly understated because many people don’t get diagnosed in the early stages of the disease.  In addition, proper diagnosis can be muddied...

Jan 30, 2020 3 comments

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Arthritis relief without deadly painkillers!

Arthritis relief without deadly painkillers!

Back in the 60s and 70s when I was a kid, arthritis was something that only happened to older people like my grandparents.   Unfortunately, that has changed drastically and arthritis can affect people at ALL ages—including children!  Here are some facts about arthritis that I bet you never knew, as well as ways you can achieve safe relief without dangerous painkiller if it affects you.  [[big4]]The numbers are growing[[end]] According to the CDC, an estimated 54 million people in the US have arthritis—that’s about one out of six of us.   That number also includes over 300,000 children!  Things don’t look...

Jan 27, 2020 8 comments

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Everything you think about cholesterol is wrong!

Everything you think about cholesterol is wrong!

  Say the word “cholesterol” and most people get downright frightened, wondering if theirs is OK or if their number will come up in the heart disease lottery. That’s because we’ve been very carefully conditioned by the pharmaceutical industry to believe that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease, and your only hope of salvation is through statins. But what if I were to tell you that most of what you have been told about...

Jan 07, 2019 6 comments

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Want to live a long life?  Make sure you do this

Want to live a long life? Make sure you do this

I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want to be pushing up daisies any time soon.
On the contrary—what many people say when asked what’s most important to them is good health and a long life!
Well, that’s certainly what our bodies were designed to achieve—but many factors can undermine your body’s innate ability to be healthy, and instead lead to sickness, disease and dying way before your time.
Oct 29, 2018 4 comments

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Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Diabetes now linked to these chronic conditions

Currently in the US about 30 million people have diabetes, with the majority of those cases (90 – 95 percent) being type 2.

In addition, it is estimated that another 80 million have “pre-diabetes”--elevated blood glucose. 

And as the number of diabetes cases continues to rise, scientists are spending more time investigating its relationship to other conditions.

For example, past studies have shown that people with diabetes are more likely to report muscle or joint pain than nondiabetics.

But the latest study out of Denmark is more specific…and worrisome.

Oct 12, 2018 8 comments

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