The “stones” that most people don’t know about


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The “stones” that most people don’t know about


When you think of "stones" in your body, most people will think of kidney stones, gallstones or maybe bladder stones.

But those aren't the only areas of your body that are prone to stones—because you can also get stones in your tonsils!

To understand how that can happen, it's important to look at these humble little sentinels in the back of your throat called your tonsils.

The humble sentinels

Your tonsils are part of your lymphatic system along with countless lymph nodes, the thymus gland, the thoracic duct, the spleen, bone marrow, and miles and miles of lymphatic vessels. 

The lymphatic system is an important player in your immune function because it filters out wastes from your body and destroys dangerous substances.

Your tonsils are part of a team of defenders called Waldeyer’s Ring--which includes the tonsils, adenoids and other lymphoid tissue.

Together this team functions as a circle of defense in the back of your throat that protects you against dangerous invaders that you ingest with your food or from the environment.

Your tonsils and adenoids are their largest during childhood--this is by Nature's design since the immune system is still developing during that time and children need extra protection.

As we age, they tend to shrink, relying on the more sophisticated, better-developed adult immune system. 

From sediment to stone

Although they serve a valid function, the tonsils are also a place where build-up of sediment can occur.... and that can eventually become a stone.

Some of this sediment can come from your food.

Small particles of food may become lodged in your tonsils when you eat. Since your saliva contains alkaline enzymes (which digest starches), when the saliva flows by and acts on these trapped food particles, it begins to break them down, leaving firmer, harder remains of the food in your tonsils.

In addition, your tonsils can also trap mouth bacteria, dead cells and mucous.

Eventually if enough of this debris builds up and hardens in your tonsils, voila--you have a tonsil stone (or tonsillolith as they're called).

Size does matter

Most people with small tonsil stones have no symptoms and they typically won't cause any problems. 

If needed, most times they can be removed by brushing them off with a toothbrush or swab or gargling with warm salt water. 

But the trouble arises when they become large and very hard.

People with large tonsilloliths can have any or all of these symptoms:

  • Extremely bad breath
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Earaches (since the ear nerves are so close to the tonsils)
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Constant sensation of something stuck in your throat

The typical medical treatment for large tonsil stones includes antibiotics, surgical removal of the stones and/or removal of the tonsils.

Although antibiotics can help in the moment, they don't address the underlying cause of tonsil stones--so chances are excellent that another one will form. Plus, they destroy the friendly bacteria in your gut microbiome which impacts your immune function.

And tonsil removal is no walk in the park either. It requires you to be put under general anesthesia and you can also suffer bleeding and infection post-op.

Prevention is the key

The key to having healthy tonsils and preventing stones (as well as many other throat conditions) is to address the two primary factors behind tonsil problems.

Inflammation and harmful bacteria.

Tonsil stones tend to form most often in people who have chronic inflammation. (Inflammation is also a factor behind kidney stones and gallstones too.)

A throat that is inflamed is an attractive environment for debris to build up, grow, and fester.

In addition, harmful bacteria from your mouth only need to travel a little bit south to start causing throat problems. (They can also get into your bloodstream and even cause heart problems too!)

So, the more that you can reduce inflammation in your body and keep harmful bacteria in check, the fewer throat problems (and overall health problems!) you will likely face.

Here's how to accomplish these two important goals:

1) Rely on turmeric to fight inflammation

Long used as a remedy in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has emerged as a shining star in the anti-inflammatory world.

Over 10,000 published articles have attested to turmeric’s inflammation-fighting properties as well as its ability to help reduce joint and back pain, support the cardiovascular system (including cholesterol and blood pressure), enhance brain and nervous system health, prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s, and support the immune system.

And a top-notch supplement like Optimal Turmeric Blend is the perfect way to embrace turmeric’s natural anti-inflammatory properties!

Optimal Turmeric Blend contains 750 mg of pure, soothing turmeric, plus BioPerine™ (black pepper extract) to enhance absorption.

2) Keep harmful bacteria in check

The human mouth is a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. Your mouth is LOADED with them.

Like the bacteria in your gut, some of the bacteria in your mouth are good but some are not-so-good. And the harmful ones can have a significant impact on your health--tonsil stones included.

Some of the ways to help control the harmful bacteria in your mouth are brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist for a cleaning at least once a year.

In addition, it's also helpful to make sure you don't eat for at least 30 minutes before you go to bed at night.

But arguably the biggest bang for your buck can come from supplementation with a quality probiotic formula like Super Shield. The health benefits of probiotics go way beyond your gut and into your entire body—including your mouth!

Research has shown that an effective combination of bacteria species for good oral health is:

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus 
  • Lactobacillus plantarum

Super Shield contains all of these, plus eight more super strains that each have their own specialties in how they support your health. 

When you take effective steps to reduce inflammation and keep your microbiome population strong, not only will you be enhancing the health of your throat and tonsils, but all of your cells, tissues and organs from head to toe!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia  

PS: News on Digestizol and Gastro Be Calm to come either late this week or early next! Keep an eye on your inbox and the red announcement banner right here at the top of the website for updates as we get them. Rest assured that the website is the VERY first thing that Danielle updates as soon as we have any information to share, so it is your BEST resource for up-to-date information on any product related inquiries. 

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