Are these really just “a bunch of crap”?
*Important general office-hours announcement at the end - Please read through* I once had a client who told me that when she mentioned to her doctor that she was taking a multi-vitamin, he basically scolded her and said she “doesn’t need that crap.” Interesting perspective. Not only are vitamins NOT a bunch of crap, but our need for non-food sources of nutrients has continued to expand. At one time (several decades ago) people who had...

A very preventable cause of chronic disease
I remember having a conversation with a woman who told me how fortunate she felt to be in good health in her early 60's. This is how she described "good health": Her cholesterol stayed under 200 with Crestor Her blood pressure was controlled with amlodipine Omeprazole kept her acid reflux at bay Metformin brought her A1C down to < 6% THAT'S good health? This woman is anything BUT healthy. What she has is a chemically...

Shocking factors that trigger chronic disease
Warning: You may find this blog a bit disturbing, and truthfully, I hope you do. Because our health is being undermined, challenged and downright ASSAULTED by many “players” secretly operating behind the scenes that don’t give a damn whether you live or die. All they care about is profits. Period. And their success is contingent upon your continued ignorance so they can keep making money off you as you get sick and die. Before...

GMOs are deadly—here’s what you need to know
Although they’ve been around for nearly three decades, many people are still in the dark (much to the delight of food and chemical manufacturers) about GMOs--genetically modified organisms—or as they are more recently called, GE--genetically engineered—foods. For those of you still scratching your heads on what they are, GMO foods are living organisms that have had their genes artificially manipulated in a lab. Scientists splice bits of DNA from one organism into another in...