5 Shocking Factors That Trigger Chronic Disease
Warning: You may find this article to be rather disturbing, and frankly, I hope you do. Because your health is being undermined, challenged and downright ASSAULTED by many “players” secretly operating behind the scenes that don’t give a damn whether you live or die. All they care about is profits. And their success is contingent upon your continued ignorance so they can keep the revenue stream flowing as you get sick and die. Now...
Got pain? These can help (and they’re far safer than painkillers!)
I was at a seminar recently and struck up a conversation with a gal who suffers from chronic pain following an ankle injury. She knew I was in the health and nutrition field and asked if I had any suggestions. I said I did, but then I first asked her what she’s done so far. I was hoping to hear something along the lines of physical therapy, maybe acupuncture, or even infrared sauna. Unfortunately,...
Key Nutrients for a Long Life
I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want a visit from the grim reaper anytime soon. In fact, I suspect what the majority of people would say if asked what’s most important to them is good health and a long life! Well, that’s certainly what our bodies were designed to achieve. Our Creator did not intend for you to be diseased, medicated and overweight, and pass at an early age....
A Fast Road to Poor Health - Are You On It?
There is a cluster of health factors that can come together and practically guarantee that heart disease, diabetes and/or stroke will be in your future, and you will be facing your mortality long before you should. It’s Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a collection of health issues (that are rampant in our society today) that spell DANGER. They include: Obesity High blood pressure Elevated blood glucose Elevated triglycerides Low HDL cholesterol A high concentration...
8 questions you need to be asking your doctor
If the last five years have taught us anything, it’s that you need to be involved in your own healthcare. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that having blind faith in the healthcare industry—an industry that profits from you being SICK—can come back and bite you in the derriere. And probably leave you even sicker than you were before! Taking charge of your healthcare includes having 2-way conversations with your doctor where questions are asked and...
How one harmful industry feeds another…and destroys your health
I recently popped into a large chain drug store to buy some greeting cards and hydrogen peroxide, and it was quite an enlightening experience. After grabbing the peroxide and picking out my cards, I began glancing over their “Deals of the Week.” Right up at the top of the ad was a buy 2 get 1 free offer for Coca-Cola products. Under that was a reduced price on Pepsi products! I guess they wanted...