8 “Good for you” foods that are anything but!
I think it’s safe to say that most people appreciate the importance of eating healthy foods…regardless of whether they actually do it. 😊 But many people’s understandings of what foods are healthy are frequently influenced by clever food company advertisements and slanted studies. And unfortunately, many of the foods touted as “good for you” are anything but. Here are eight of the most common: 1- Farmed fish Fish provides omega-3 fatty acids which fight...

The health scare no one talks about
While it seems to be the current focus of our national health agencies to scare the bejeezus out of people talking about the flu, COVID, monkeypox and whatever other viruses they can point a finger at, there is a glaring failure in how these agencies “serve and inform” us. I’m talking about chronic disease. Currently, half of all adult Americans, and shockingly 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic disease (according...

How cholesterol became wrongly demonized
I would dare say that there is no subject in this world that is as falsely portrayed and poorly understood as cholesterol. The extent of most people’s understanding of cholesterol is that it’s the demon that clogs arteries and leads to heart disease, and the magic number to strive for is 200. And if your blood tests show you’re in the elevated range, welcome to the world of statins. But how did we...

5 Diet Misconceptions... Have you been fooled?
I’m going to start today’s blog by giving you some rather unsettling statistics. Currently in the US: Seven out of ten adults have at least one chronic condition, and shockingly, so do 54 percent of our children. Three out of four of us are overweight or obese. Eight out of ten of us are medicated, and over half of us take two or more medications each day. What in the world is going ON? Well,...

These are even deadlier than you ever thought
I have a confession to make. I am a people watcher. Not in a weird, stalking way, but instead I take every opportunity I can get to observe people’s behaviors, especially as they relate to food. So, as you can guess, when I am at the grocery store, I’m looking in everyone’s carts and observing obvious signs of illness in the shopper. I have got to tell you, with very few exceptions, when I...

Why is collagen so popular these days?
Before I get into today’s topic, I would ask that we all take a moment of reflection and prayer for those who lost their lives 22 years ago today in the 9/11 tragedy, as well as their loved ones. *********** It amuses me when a food or nutrient explodes in popularity, and people talk about it as if it’s something new. A perfect example here is collagen. Collagen has been around for as long...