A dangerous gut condition that’s on the rise


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A dangerous gut condition that’s on the rise

Digestive conditions are so prevalent today that it’s hard to find someone that doesn’t have a gut issue!

Diverticulitis.  IBS.  Crohn’s.  Colitis.  Leaky gut.  Constipation.  You-name-it.

But there is a sneaky, dangerous gut condition that’s on the rise that can cause a whole slew of misery and affect you from head to toe, even in ways that you wouldn’t even link to your gut!

I’m talking about SIBO—small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Here’s what you need to know about this sly condition, because it very well may be affecting you!

SIBO--Good guys in the wrong place

Normally your intestinal tract has a very specific balance of bacteria.  The small intestine has relatively few bacteria—the higher concentrations of bacteria are in your large intestine (colon).

This is carefully designed by Nature to help ensure you properly absorb nutrients in the small intestine and finish the digestive process up in the colon.

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when some of the bacteria from your LARGE intestine "move north" and get into the SMALL intestine.

This can be the result of several things including aging, dysmotility (weakened digestive muscles), pancreatic inflammation, diverticulosis, and even diabetes.  It’s also frequently seen in people with celiac disease.

Plus certain medications can trigger SIBO, especially immunosuppressive drugs (such as those for autoimmune conditions) and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

Considering the sharp increase in type 2 diabetes and gluten intolerance, the exploding number of people with autoimmune conditions, and the fact that PPIs are so widely used they are practically in line to become the 5th food group, it should be no wonder that SIBO is on the rise. 

The 2 major issues with SIBO

Even though the bacteria in your large intestine play several helpful roles, once they move up into the small intestine, it becomes quite a different story.

Here are the two major issues associated with SIBO:

1. Watch those carbs!

The different types of bacteria that live in the large vs. small intestines each have different functions.

One of those differences is the metabolism of carbohydrates. Most carbs are absorbed in your small intestine, and there's typically little or no gas produced in the process.

The exception to that is dietary fiber -- that passes on to your colon.

The bacteria in the colon break down fiber and as they're doing that, some gas is naturally produced. The bacteria usually absorb most of the gas, and any excess is passed as normal (not excessive) flatulence.

However, with SIBO some of the fiber-digesting bacteria from your large intestine are instead taking up residence in the small intestine. When this happens, fiber that you eat begins to be broken down too SOON—in small intestine instead of the large.

Since your small intestine isn't equipped to handle this and it doesn't have the right bacteria to absorb the resulting gas, this can cause bloating, excessive gas and pain.

2.  Danger, Will Robinson!

Having bacteria in your small intestine that are from "the other side of the tracks" (your colon) also puts your immune system on high alert.

In this case, when your immune cells detect the large intestinal bacteria in the small intestine, instead of saying, "Oh, it's just some misrouted guys from the colon," they instead act as if they've caught an invader and launch an attack which can also produce horrible bloating, gas and pain.

One small issue, one giant bunch of problems

Since SIBO has both an inflammatory and an immune component, it can be a major culprit behind a whole slew of medical problems.

For example, researchers estimate that SIBO is a cause or contributing factor for at least 78 percent of people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).  The classic IBS symptoms (gas, bloating and constipation or diarrhea) are also typical signs of SIBO.

In addition, about 80 percent of people suffering from fibromyalgia also have SIBO.

People with SIBO can also experience fat malabsorption and poor nutrient absorption, resulting in deficiencies of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and B12, plus iron.

SIBO can also lead to joint pain, rashes, fatigue, depression, eczema, asthma, acne, rosacea and weight loss. 

Your body's 3 natural defenses against SIBO

Normally these three things prevent SIBO from occurring in a healthy gut:

1- Acids in the small intestine kill off any large intestinal "invaders"

2- Peristalsis--the muscle contractions that move your food through the digestive tract prevent the bacteria in your large intestine from "swimming upstream"

3- Bacterial "sparring"--healthy bacteria in the small intestine fight off bacteria from the large intestine

But if any of those three natural safety nets is impaired somehow, SIBO can result.

How do I know?

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of accurate tests for SIBO.

Stool tests can help uncover whether you have a bacterial infection in your large intestine, but they're not too reliable when it comes to detecting problems in the small intestine.

One test that may be helpful is a hydrogen breath test, although it can miss some cases of SIBO.

The best approach is to look at your symptoms and any underlying conditions I mentioned above.  If you see yourself in any of those, chances are good you may have an issue with SIBO.

What DOES help with SIBO

The good news is you can take two very safe, easy measures to help fight SIBO if you suspect you've got it, or prevent it from occurring in the first place:

1. Probiotic supplementation

Probiotics can be extremely helpful in the fight against SIBO, but it's important to use a formula which contains both bifidobacterium species (for the colon) and lactobacillus species (which beef up the small intestine).

And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is up to this important challenge.

Super Shield can help fight SIBO-induced symptoms safely and naturally from within by helping to restore and maintain the flora balance in both your small and large intestines.

Plus Super Shield can help keep digestion smooth, which can help prevent toxins and improperly broken down food molecules from getting into your bloodstream and taunting your immune system.

2. Avoid refined carbs and sugars & eat for better digestion

Refined carbs and sugars feed dangerous bacteria and yeasts in your gut, and heaven knows you don’t need that on top of SIBO!

Instead concentrate on wholesome real foods like meats, fish, poultry, eggs, fresh vegetables, real butter, herbs and spices. 

And to help pave the way for more comfortable digestion, follow the principles in my Great Taste No Pain health system!

Great Taste No Pain teaches you how to put together meals that are a snap for your system to digest.

That will certainly help your poor stressed intestinal tract along, and also help ease heartburn and constipation too!

Plus Great Taste No Pain delivers on the “Great Taste” promise—you’ll get a collection of luscious recipes to enjoy that will soon become your favorites!

And if you have a gluten issue (like many people with SIBO do), Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead!

Fight back at SIBO and help restore your healthy gut microbiome today!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Most helpfull

    Richard.Trevor.Cunningham on

  • Hi Jackie! You can read about h. pylori causes and treatments here: https://draxe.com/h-pylori/

    We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Does SIBO have anything to do with H Pylori? I have had H Pylori off and on over the last 15 years. Can you advise?

    Jackie Hicks on

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