10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore


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10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

Sep 30, 2024 0 comments
10 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore


I would suspect that most people don’t wish to overreact to every little ache, pain and symptom that may pop up and instead try to “wait it out” and hope that the issue resolves itself.

But there are certain signals your body may be giving you that you definitely should not ignore.

Although some of the possible causes behind these symptoms can be relatively minor, they may also mean something more serious that should be addressed by your physician or require other supportive measures.

Here are the…

10 Warning signs you shouldn’t ignore


We all have periods of fatigue when we are working long hours, stressed, have a poor night’s sleep or are battling a cold or flu.

But regular, chronic fatigue can be a sign of a low-functioning thyroid, depression or even certain cancers. A visit to the doctor can help you pinpoint what may be going on.

Natural ways to help: If you’re low in B12, an oral B12 spray like Hydroxaden 2.5 can help turn that around fast.

And if you’re dealing with depression, vitamin B12 is helpful as well as vitamin D (as found in our Optimum DK Formula). 

2-Changes in your BMs

While your bathroom habits can get thrown off by stress, certain foods or medications, if you find yours have changed long-term and there is no logical explanation, or if you see blood in your BMs, it’s time to get checked out.

Changes in bowel habits can be a sign of pancreatic insufficiency, a gallbladder problem, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease or even colon cancer. Testing by a doctor can help determine what’s going on.

Natural ways to help: Make sure you’re eating a high-fiber whole foods diet and avoid refined carbs, sugars and processed foods. Take measures to keep stress low, keeping in mind that regular exercise is one of the best stress reducers there is.

3-Chest pain

The potential reasons for chest pain can run the gamut—including heartburn, GERD, costochondritis, pleurisy, sore muscles, bruised ribs and heart problems—so it’s best to get checked out.

And if you experience chest pain along with nausea, lightheadedness, shortness of breath or a cold sweat for longer than 5 minutes, call 911 or your local emergency services, as it may be a heart attack.

Natural ways to help: A natural anti-inflammatory like VitalMega-3 fish oil formula can ease inflammation that may be triggering aches and pains, soreness and cardiovascular issues.

4-Weight gain

The most common causes of unintentional weight gain are a low-functioning thyroid, hormonal changes (especially menopause), and certain medications (including steroids, birth control pills and antidepressants).

Natural ways to help: Vitamin B12 and vitamin D are helpful with depression, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a safe, natural alternative to synthetic hormones for menopause.

5-Weight loss

While most people would LOVE the idea of losing weight without even trying, unintentional weight loss can be a sign of numerous things including hyperthyroidism, cancer, diabetes, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, adrenal insufficiency and ulcers. 

So, if you’ve dropped more than a few pounds recently without dieting, it’s best to get checked out.

Natural ways to help: A healthy, whole-foods diet is important here too. If the underlying cause behind your weight loss is rooted in disease, your body will most assuredly need proper nutrition to counteract disease and recover. And if you feel your diet may be lacking, a multi-vitamin formula like Super Core can help fill in the blanks. 


Believe it or not, there are over 150 types of headaches, but the most common ones are tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches. 

Headaches can also be the result of a number of underlying health issues including hypertension, brain tumor or stroke. 

If you find yourself getting headaches on a regular basis, resist the temptation to just mask the throbbing with OTC pain meds and see a doctor.

Natural ways to help: Headaches are oftentimes the result of dehydration, stress or nutrient deficiencies. So be sure to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of filtered water a day, reduce stress in your life and have a nutritious real foods diet.

7-Skin and nail infections

Skin and nail infections can be due to allergies or lacking nutrients, but one of the most common causes is Candida overgrowth.

The problem with Candida is once it’s growing out of control, it’s very hard to keep it at bay. And the typical medical treatment (antibiotics) only makes things worse by upsetting your gut microbiome and making it even easier for Candida to rear its ugly head again.

Natural ways to help: If Candida is an issue, make sure you’re avoiding refined carbs and sugars (which are a source of nourishment for Candida). Incorporate garlic and oregano into your diet, as they can help fight Candida. 

8-Hair loss

Over and above male pattern baldness, thinning hair can be caused by many things, including an autoimmune disease, low functioning thyroid or nutritional deficiency.

So, if you’re finding more hair on the shower floor than usual, something may be up, and you should see a doctor.

Natural ways to help: If you suspect nutrient deficiencies are behind your hair loss, stick to wholesome real foods and supplement with a complete multi-vitamin and mineral formula like Super Core to make sure all your bases are covered.

9-Poor quality of sleep

If you regularly have a hard time drifting off or staying asleep, it can have devastating effects on your health.

Consistently lacking sleep can raise your risk of Type 2 diabetes, impair your brain function and make you susceptible to memory loss, raise your risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer, and increase your risk of obesity.

Natural ways to help: Try to reduce stress, avoid sugar and stimulants like caffeine at night, take a warm bath before retiring, sip chamomile tea, darken your room and try some lavender essential oil on your pillow or in a diffuser at night. You can also try melatonin as found in our Soothing Zzzz’s Blend gummies.

10-Skin problems

Skin problems such as acne, hives or rashes as an adult can be a sign of stress, an unhealthy diet or an acidic body pH.

If your skin flare-ups are not due to a known environmental, food or chemical allergy, then it is best to take a deeper look into your stress levels, diet and how much water you’re drinking.

Natural ways to help: Be sure to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day, find ways to reduce stress in your life and have a nutritious diet of wholesome real foods.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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