Holistic Blends Blog


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Don’t be fooled—there’s no such thing as flu season!

Don’t be fooled—there’s no such thing as flu season!

As I was grocery shopping in my local Wegmans yesterday, an annoucement came over the loudspeaker saying, “Don’t risk getting sick this flu season!  Get your flu shot right here in our pharmacy today!” And I cringed because I thought of all of the people who get caught up in the yearly flu season fear mongering and think that a vaccine is their only hope of staying flu-free. Let me tell it like it is...

Oct 08, 2019 0 comments

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Is your job jeopardizing your health?

Is your job jeopardizing your health?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, office and administrative support jobs make up the single largest occupational group in the US. And although most office employees think of their jobs as a way to earn a living and a step on their career path, what many don’t realize is that office jobs may also jeopardize your health! Numerous studies have linked sedentary jobs to increased rates of obesity, back pain, heart disease, Type 2...

Sep 12, 2019 0 comments

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The body part you know very little about

The body part you know very little about

Most people are pretty well aware of what their cardiovascular system is for, and what their digestive and respiratory systems do. But what if I asked you what your lymphatic system does? <Insert sounds of crickets chirping.> Truth is, most people are clueless about their lymphatic system!  But trust me, if yours isn’t working right, it’s only a matter of time before you get seriously sick. Here’s why. [[big4]]Your internal janitorial crew[[end]] Your lymphatic system...

Aug 26, 2019 6 comments

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Your better health is just 3 steps away!

Your better health is just 3 steps away!

  August is National Wellness Month. Our local baseball team was in the spirit, and invited me to exhibit at their “Health and Wellness Day” event yesterday.  But based upon what I observed, it looked like lots of people didn’t get the memo. Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not a party pooper.  When you’re at an event like that, it’s fun to indulge in a hot dog, popcorn, pizza or whatever your favorite stadium food...

Aug 19, 2019 2 comments

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Put an end to yeast and fungal infections now!

Put an end to yeast and fungal infections now!

  The phrase “too much of a good thing” warns that an excess of anything can be bad or a downright disaster. Nowhere is this truer than with yeast (Candida) in your body! When they are present in the right amounts in your intestinal tract, yeasts can be good guys!  They help kill harmful bacteria that you may take with food or from the environment, they assist with digestion and even help you absorb essential...

Aug 14, 2019 6 comments

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Don’t be a sheep that falls for fear-based medicine

Don’t be a sheep that falls for fear-based medicine

There is a dangerous trend that is exploding before our very eyes and the problem with that is so many people are caught up in it that they don’t even realize they are being manipulated. I’m talking about fear-based medicine. Over the last several decades we’ve seen the marketing of pharmaceutical products go from merely a recommendation or an option to YOU MUST DO THIS OR YOU WILL DIE! Yet when you take a closer...

Aug 05, 2019 6 comments

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