Holistic Blends Blog


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What’s “behind” your itchy butt and how you can stop it

What’s “behind” your itchy butt and how you can stop it

I got an email from a reader who wanted me to talk about itchy butt. People feel comfortable discussing the most, um, “private” subjects with me.  Hey, I’m happy to help, so for all of you that frequently get the urge to scratch where the sun don’t shine, I will enlighten you on several possible reasons why your backside is irritating you, and ways you can get relief. Then we’ll also look at other causes...

Jul 17, 2019 0 comments

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Are you guilty of this too?  It’s time to stop

Are you guilty of this too? It’s time to stop

  I’m a bit fired up today so this blog is going to be me speaking to you, as my late mother would say, like a “Dutch Uncle.” Telling it like it is, in other words, without sugar-coating anything. Here is where we are today in terms of health in the US: 6 out of 10 adults have a chronic disease. “Chronic disease” means a condition that lasts 1 year or more and requires ongoing...

Jul 02, 2019 5 comments

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Don’t let this dangerous deficiency sneak up on you

Don’t let this dangerous deficiency sneak up on you

  Your body usually gives you obvious signs to tell you what it needs. For example, when your body needs nutrients, you feel hunger. When it needs sleep, you feel tired. When you need to have a BM, well, you get the urge to go. But one area where your body is more vague in communicating its needs is with WATER. Specifically, dehydration. Here’s the scoop on this often overlooked but amazingly common health issue,...

Jun 03, 2019 1 comment

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A rising cause of obesity, autoimmune disease & more

A rising cause of obesity, autoimmune disease & more

  It shouldn’t be this way, but as a nation we have seriously screwed up something that should be relatively straightforward.   FOOD! Food simply isn’t food anymore. Plus, one day you can read a study that says a certain food is bad, and the next day another study that says it’s healthy! So naturally people don’t know what to eat anymore, and when they ask me for advice, the simplest way I can put it...

May 20, 2019 0 comments

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Are you increasing your risk of disease like this?

Are you increasing your risk of disease like this?

  Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a disease will say that it “just appeared out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth.  Disease is carefully C-R-E-A-T-E-D over time—it ain’t no accident and it doesn’t happen overnight.  And the single most significant factor that will determine whether your number will come up in the disease lottery is the health of your immune system! Trouble is, many of us are unknowingly...

May 06, 2019 2 comments

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Why all the hype about the measles?

Why all the hype about the measles?

  Here we go again.  A few hundred cases of measles have become a “public health emergency,” blasting the headlines everywhere, frightening the masses and inducing hysteria. And in this case also attempting to coerce people into vaccinating against measles by threatening fines and imprisonment in Rockland County, NY and in certain zip codes in Brooklyn, NY.  As usual, most of the government health authorities and the media are pointing at non-vaccinated individuals and claiming...

Apr 17, 2019 9 comments

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