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My gutsy prediction for 2020

My gutsy prediction for 2020

New Year’s is upon us, and I hope that you are both remembering the good times you had, as well as the lessons you learned in 2019, and are safely celebrating with loved ones by your side.   With 2020 now here, it’s time to look ahead!  We all have hopes and dreams for the new year, and in that light, I would like to make a gutsy prediction for this year.   I did not come...

Jan 01, 2020 11 comments

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This is the #1 cause of death worldwide—are you next?

This is the #1 cause of death worldwide—are you next?

A report recently published by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2.6 million people die each year from medical errors, making them the number one cause of death worldwide! Most of those deaths are related to incorrect diagnosing of the patient’s condition and administering pharmaceutical products. Here in the US, medical errors kill over 251,000 Americans every year and are the third leading cause of death.  In addition to misdiagnosis and medications, “medical errors”...

Dec 30, 2019 4 comments

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Enjoy the holidays—without feeling sick or depressed!

Enjoy the holidays—without feeling sick or depressed!

The holidays are upon us!  And while they should be the “most wonderful time of the year”--a festive time to share with family and friends--sadly, for many people they are instead filled with sickness or depression (or both).  But there are some very good reasons why that happens. First, the holidays bring about stress for a lot of people.  Stress can cause a domino effect of physical and mental issues which can quickly turn a...

Dec 09, 2019 0 comments

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A shocking case study shows what’s wrong with modern medicine

A shocking case study shows what’s wrong with modern medicine

I recently met with a client who was a picture perfect illustration of what is wrong with modern medicine.  I’ll call my client “Gene.” Gene came to me reporting a medical history that included fainting episodes that were suspected to be due to a heart blockage, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and occasional heartburn. Gene said his current medications included the following: Ranitidine (for heartburn) Hydrochlorothiazide (for hypertension) Amlodipine (for hypertension) Atorvastatin (for cholesterol) After...

Nov 20, 2019 7 comments

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Why pain relievers are BAD for a fever

Why pain relievers are BAD for a fever

Our modern society has been brainwashed into thinking that fevers are: Something bad Always dangerous Best treated with acetaminophen or ibuprofen to bring your temperature down Let me assure you that all 3 of those beliefs are WRONG! Fevers in most cases are good guys, they are rarely dangerous, and using pain relievers is positively the WORST thing you can do! Here’s why. [[big4]]Fever is a good guy![[end]] Contrary to what you may have always...

Nov 06, 2019 0 comments

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8 Warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

8 Warning signs you shouldn’t ignore

In the course of our busy lives, very few of us run to the doctor for every little annoying ache, pain or vague symptom.  Most times the average person will “wait it out” and hope that the issue resolves itself. But there are symptoms your body may be giving you that should not be ignored. Although the potential causes behind these symptoms may be relatively minor, they also can mean something more serious that should...

Oct 23, 2019 0 comments

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