Allergy relief that’s nothing to sneeze at!
Spring is here! Birds are building their nests; buds are forming on the trees and temperatures are getting warmer. Unfortunately, for the over 50 million Americans suffering from allergies, spring also brings sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, congestion, headaches and more. And if you happen to live in the Syracuse, NY area like I do, you are especially challenged! The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has released a list of the worst cities...
- Tags: allergies, General Health, Healthy Living

The best gift you could give yourself
Even though there are all kinds of packages wrapped up in pretty-colored paper and ribbons this time of year, the best gift of all is not found under your Christmas tree. It’s inside you. It’s called your HEALTH. Because you could have mountains of money and every material thing in the world, but if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. So if you want to give yourself a boost toward better...

Having surgery? Read this first
However, in many cases it has been either totally unnecessary, or dangerous complications arose before and after the actual operation.
If you are considering surgery, here are 3 important facts that you MUST know so you can make the best decision for you.
- Tags: General Health, Immune Health, Pain, Surgery

The creepy crawlies inside of you
I thought today would be a good day to talk about a health subject that seems like a real-life horror movie.
I’m talking about creepy crawly creatures that are living inside of YOU—right now.
That’s right--while the thought of them makes a lot of people uncomfortable, the fact is, your body is home to trillions of microscopic little parasites.
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living, Parasites

Don’t fall for the “flu season” hype (plus a new recipe for you)
In other words, it’s the time of year when people get bombarded with ads EVERYWHERE and downright bullied into getting flu shots, with fear mongering being the tactic of choice.
But what most people don’t realize is that influenza (and other viruses) is in our environment 12 months a year—not just from fall to spring!

The taboo subject that most people dread
Alas, when the word exercise comes up, the excuses come out!
Many people claim to "not have the time." Yet they can tell you what happened on Criminal Minds or NCIS each week. The sad thing is, most excuse-makers also happen to be overweight, sick and medicated.