Safe, effective relief from fibromyalgia pain
Over 5 million Americans (90 percent of which are women) suffer from fibromyalgia—arguably one of the most painful conditions ever known.
Sadly, this debilitating condition wasn’t even recognized as a bonafide illness until as recently as 1987! Before that it was largely thought to be “all in someone’s head.”

The dark side of coffee drinks
For all you fancy coffee fanatics, I have an important message for you.
Those sweet coffee drinks that you love so much have a very dark side—and I’m not referring to how dark the roast is.
Here’s what you must know about these brews that may taste good, but that’s where their “goodness” ends.
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Eating, Sugar

Stay away from these inflammatory foods
If there’s one thing we’ve got an abundance of in this country, it’s inflammation.

3 Ways to deflate a bloated stomach
One out of four of us has some kind of digestive problem, and right up there among the top is bloating!
Occasional bloating is one thing...but many people have it a LOT, as in several days a week or even every day. This is chronic bloating and is nothing to take lightly.
If you've been feeling like a pan of Jiffy Pop popcorn most days, check out today’s blog to see what might be behind YOUR bloating and ways you can get relief.

You can stop acid reflux-here’s how
Sixty percent of the US adult population suffers from occasional or daily bouts of acid reflux, and our antacid use tripled from 1994 to 2010.
But when you attack acid reflux at its common root causes, you can start feeling a whole lot better fast!
Check out today’s blog to learn more about little-known dangers of acid reducers, what really causes acid reflux and how you can stop it.
Do you really need your gallbladder?
I was happy to oblige, but first I asked him what he had been told about his condition so far.
He said his doctor was taking a wait and see approach—and if things got worse, he might have to have his gallbladder removed.
Then he asked me the million dollar...