Why are Authorities Mum on These Diseases?
If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that you have to be very careful who you trust and what you believe, especially where your health is concerned. Because sadly, the medical industry is largely captured by pharma and no one wants to bite the hand that feeds them (or risk losing a lucrative career). Plus, many practitioners don’t even know they’ve been very carefully programmed! Our doctors come out of medical...

Going gray? Here’s why (and how you fight it)
I’d like to talk today about what has been considered one of the inevitabilities of life. Gray hair. Ah, yes. Few subjects will make a woman cringe as much as the thought of going gray, and the hair color industry is very happy that you feel that way. Of course, men go gray too, but it’s long been said that gray hair makes a man look distinguished and a woman look old. I’ll let...

The health scare no one talks about
While it seems to be the current focus of our national health agencies to scare the bejeezus out of people talking about the flu, COVID, monkeypox and whatever other viruses they can point a finger at, there is a glaring failure in how these agencies “serve and inform” us. I’m talking about chronic disease. Currently, half of all adult Americans, and shockingly 54 percent of our children, have at least one chronic disease (according...

A sneaky factor behind our obesity explosion
Here’s an eye-opening statistic--currently, nearly eight out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese. And those numbers are not going down. Of course, the begging question here is: What in the world is going on? Why is it our “new normal” to be overweight? Well, there are a lot of factors behind the scenes, including processed/fast foods, lack of exercise, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, chronic stress and the resulting elevated cortisol levels, and our...

The best, most delicious cancer fighting foods!
As you probably know, I’m not a big fan of “awareness” events, especially when they revolve around health issues like cancer. Whether you know it or not, most of the money raised in cancer awareness events goes to drug and genetic research. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in cancer research since President Nixon declared his “War on Cancer” in 1971. But it remains our #2 killer. Clearly, we’re dropping the ball somewhere. While it’s...

Why is the CDC completely mum on these conditions?
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect our main governing health agency—the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to provide true, accurate and reliable information about the causes of death in the US. Too bad they’re failing miserably to do their jobs. I say that because there has been and continues to be a huge omission in the CDC’s statistics as they pertain to deaths and mortality, as well as a vast overstatement. As...