Are people everywhere losing it or what?


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Are people everywhere losing it or what?


Is it my imagination, or are people more filled with road rage and aggression than ever before?

I can recall several instances over the last five years or so where I’ve been driving on an interstate highway and have witnessed one or more cut-offs, flip-offs, tailgates, weaving, passing on the right and other acts of aggression.

I even saw an SUV pass someone on the shoulder of the road on I-95 because the person being passed apparently wasn’t going fast enough for the impatient driver’s liking.

Plus, people even lose it on side roads where the speed limit is typically 45 mph or under!

What in the world is going on? Are people just maniacs these days?

Well, there may be another answer to consider…

Your daily dose of rage

While it’s true that some people may be stressed out or are just naturally maniacs on the road, it’s entirely possible that a good number of drivers are getting “help” with their rage.

As in pharmaceutical help.

I reviewed the package inserts for several common medications…and what I saw literally terrified me.

ALL of the following medications list aggression, aggressive behavior, agitation, irritability, actions that are out of control, loss of self-control, mental changes and/or mood changes as potential side effects:

  • Adderall
  • Advair
  • Ativan
  • Celexa
  • Chantix
  • Humira
  • Klonopin
  • Lexapro
  • Nexium
  • Paxil
  •  Phenobarbital
  •  Prednisone
  •  Prilosec
  •  Prozac
  •  Remicade
  •  Valium
  •  Xanax
  • Zoloft

Note that these also happen to be among some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world.

Plus, most are not recommended to be taken long-term, especially ADHD drugs, anti-anxiety meds, antidepressants, acid reducers and immunosuppressive drugs.

Sorry, but I don’t find it a coincidence that we’re seeing increases in road rage, as well as shootings and other random acts of violence, while at the same time these medications are being taken in record numbers, for longer periods of time, and at younger and younger ages.

And don’t forget that we Americans lead the pack with prescription drug use. Even though we make up only 5 percent of the world’s population, we consume 75 percent of the world’s prescription drugs.

An injectable cause too

After looking at all the medications listed above, I searched a little further and found that (mental/psychiatric) irritation is also a potential side effect of many popular flu shots!

Funny, that’s never mentioned in the endless barrage of ads screaming for people to, “Get your flu shot!”

What you can do

The good news is there’s plenty you can do to help create a state of strong physical and mental health, safely and naturally, so that you are less likely to need prescription drugs to begin with! 

Here are some smart strategies to try:

Have a diet of nourishing REAL foods

Nutrient deficiencies are a cause or contributing factor behind most illnesses.

For example, kids diagnosed with ADHD have been shown to be deficient in magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6.

Many people with depression lack B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium. 

Cancer has even been shown to be linked to diet! Especially deficiencies in selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, D and E.

The answer here is simple—keep it real, as in meats, poultry, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, eggs and good fats (butter, coconut oil, olive oil and lard).

The late, great fitness guru Jack LaLanne said it best: “If man made it, don’t eat it.”

And if you think your diet may be falling short or want to get a good overview of nutrients, a top-notch multi like Super Core can help ensure you have all bases covered.

Super Core provides a well-rounded, health-supporting blend of essential nutrients. In addition, since inflammation and free radical damage also play a huge role in disease, Super Core gives you the the extra benefit of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories!

Drink enough water

Your body is about 75 percent water, so it only follows that drinking enough water every day helps make a healthier you.

Water is the primary component of all your body’s fluids—blood, lymph, digestive enzymes, urine, tears and sweat. Plus, it’s involved in almost every bodily function—circulation, digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination of wastes, to name a few.

Even your ability to heal from injuries depends on water! When you get hurt, your bloodstream carries its repair substances to the injury site, and that bloodstream is about 81 percent water.

When external toxins enter your body, they’re usually carried back out by your urine (95 percent water) or your sweat (99 percent water).

And of course your skin needs water—it’s the best anti-aging skin “tonic” there is!

A good rule of thumb is to drink half of the number of pounds you weigh in ounces of water each day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking about 75 ounces of water daily.

Rethink flu shots

In addition to potentially making you irritated, flu shots also contain aluminum, which when injected can get into your bloodstream and head straight to your brain. Aluminum is neurotoxic and has been found in high concentration in the brains of Alzheimer’s and autism patients.

The good news is, vitamin D has been shown to be more effective than flu shots at preventing the flu!

Plus, vitamin D helps protect against cancer, heart disease and can even ease depression too.

Unfortunately, vitamin D also happens to be a common deficiency, especially in the cooler months when our exposure to sunlight is limited. 

You can help make sure you have health-supporting levels of this superstar disease fighter with Optimum DK Formula.

Each capsule provides a therapeutic 5,000 IU dose of vitamin D3, plus its partners vitamins K1, K2 and the mineral boron.

Get some movement

The health benefits of exercise are virtually endless, and that includes stress reduction, brightening your mood and improving digestion and cardiovascular function.

So, if you and the couch have been buddies for a while, it’s time to get moving.

Keep in mind you don’t have to get fancy. Even brisk walking is helpful. Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK first.

Medications do have a place in our society, and sometimes they are necessary. But we’ve gone WAY overboard and it’s getting worse every day.

So DO YOUR PART to make sure your body and mind function like they are supposed to!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Keep in mind that the office remains closed today and tomorrow. Danielle returns on Wednesday the 28th and all daily functions will resume at that time. Shipments will begin going out in the order they have been received.

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