5 Shocking Factors That Trigger Chronic Disease


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5 Shocking Factors That Trigger Chronic Disease


Warning: You may find this article to be rather disturbing, and frankly, I hope you do.

Because your health is being undermined, challenged and downright ASSAULTED by many “players” secretly operating behind the scenes that don’t give a damn whether you live or die. All they care about is profits. 

And their success is contingent upon your continued ignorance so they can keep the revenue stream flowing as you get sick and die.

Now before I get into specifics, let’s take a look at our current states of health here in the US:

  • Nearly 80 percent are overweight or obese.
  • Seven out of 10 of us take at least one prescription medication every day, and over half of us take two or more meds per day.
  • Over 60 percent of us have at least one chronic health condition.

      What in the world is going on? 

      Why do we continue to get sicker and pack on the pounds when we allegedly have “top notch” advances in medical care and treatment?

      Well, the answer to that lies in our diets, lack of plausible health advice, and how our food supply is secretly being altered and turning what should be sound nourishment for our bodies into pathways for the development of chronic disease.

      Here are the…

      5 Shocking factors that trigger chronic disease

      1. Doctors 

      Most doctors are completely clueless about diet (and healthy lifestyle habits for that matter) and have basically become legalized drug pushers.

      If you doubt what I’m saying, then tell me, when was the last time you went to a doctor for a health issue and didn’t walk out with a prescription (or two or three)?

      Also, tell me when was the last time your doctor ever gave you sound advice on improving your diet and incorporating healthy lifestyle habits (like exercise)?

      Here’s the bottom line—pharma owns our doctors and has hijacked their medical school education since the early 1900s… so they have no answers other than the prescription pad or surgeon’s knife unless they choose to pursue additional (alternative) education on their own.

      1. 70 percent of our diets is processed food

      With over 40,000 items to choose from, processed foods are literally everywhere you look and take up the vast majority of square footage in any grocery store.

      The manufacturers’ huge advertising budgets do their best to convince you to load their garbage into your grocery cart. The advertising angles run the gamut—convenience, yummy taste, your kids will love it and ask for more, etc.

      And perhaps the most nefarious advertising lie of all—it’s good for you!

      Here’s the truth--processed foods are DEAD foods.

      They contain few to no nutrients (and most of those are added during processing), they are extremely difficult for your body to digest, they lack natural fiber, and they create tremendous amounts of acid waste.

      In other words, they don’t nourish you, they pave the way for gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, and they trigger inflammation in your body, which is a significant factor behind ALL chronic diseases.

      1. 70 percent of all crops are genetically modified

      Nearly 70 percent of crops grown in the US are from genetically modified (GM) seeds. Currently the most widely produced GM foods in the US are corn and soy, followed by canola, alfalfa, sugar beets, cotton, papaya, zucchini, conventional meats and dairy, apples and potatoes.

      In addition to the still-unanswered questions about the safety of these lab experiments, one of the biggest concerns is that GM crops are significant sources of the herbicide glyphosate (aka RoundUp). 

      Glyphosate disrupts your beneficial gut bacteria, thereby allowing dangerous organisms to flourish and overcome your microbiome. At that point, you become a sitting duck for any number of viruses, infections and diseases.

      In addition, glyphosate can also destroy the villi in your intestinal wall and reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Virtually all diseases have their roots in one or more nutritional deficiencies.

      And here’s the icing on the cake—GM crops are used in copious amounts in processed foods, especially soy, corn and canola! This makes these garbage food items even MORE dangerous than I described above.

      1. Pharma owns the media 

      All of the mainstream media outlets receive between 70-90 percent of their advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical industry.

      So, you will never, ever hear the truth about a number of subjects—especially drugs and vaccines. Ain’t no way the news outlet will risk biting the hand that generously feeds them.

      Instead, you will hear the news that is approved by Pfizer and Moderna.

      1. My Plate is useless

      The one source of what should be reliable dietary advice from the UDSA—My Plate—misses the mark in several ways.

      First of all, My Plate regurgitates the same old outdated (aka downright wrong) advice about limiting saturated fats in favor of vegetable oils and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.

      Let me reiterate this point for the ten-thousandth time: YOUR BODY NEEDS SATURATED FATS from natural sources! That is, if you want to be able to make hormones, produce vitamin D and prevent depression, among other things.

      Plus remember that most vegetable oils are highly inflammatory and come from GM crops to boot!

      My Plate also recommends soy milk and other soy products as healthy dairy alternatives, but what they fail to mention is that 90 percent of the soy produced in the US is GMO.

      So now what do you do?

      If you want genuine advice to help prevent disease, maintain a healthy bodyweight, and quite possibly lead a medication-free existence, here are 3 truly effective strategies that you can trust to help support YOUR health from head to toe:

      1- Eat real food and support sound digestion

      When your diet is comprised of wholesome real foods you:

      • Automatically eliminate trans-fats, inflammatory oils and artificial sweeteners
      • Get good sources of antioxidants 
      • Get natural sources of crucial nutrients and fats

      And when you have sound digestion, this helps minimize waste accumulation in your blood, which cuts off a major source of inflammation!

      So, stay away from processed, packaged and fast foods of all kinds and keep it real—fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, eggs, full-fat dairy and good fats (butter, olive oil, coconut oil and lard) --NEVER margarine.

      Strive to buy organic food as much as possible to avoid GM foods.

      Also, structure your meals to help encourage better digestion--my Great Taste No Pain system can help you here.

      Great Taste No Pain will show you what foods to pair together to ease the stress on your GI tract and help pave the way for comfortable, pain-free digestion and regular BMs!

      2- Support your microbiome

      The friendly flora in your gut microbiome helps your body digest starches and fibers, supports regular BMs and houses 80 percent of your immune system…but they can only do so when there’s a strong enough population of them!

      Unfortunately, people who have diets high in processed foods, soda and refined grains have fed the harmful microbes in their guts...and are likely looking at a serious flora imbalance as a result.

      Plus, medication use (especially antacids and antibiotics), stress and lack of sleep can make your microbiome topsy-turvy.

      The best way to help support a proper gut flora balance is with a potent, full-spectrum probiotic formula like Super Shield.

      Super Shield’s effective blend of 13 helpful probiotic strains will help your precious microbiome recover and support its efforts to keep you healthy!

      3- Embrace the natural anti-inflammatory power of turmeric

      Inflammation is the root cause of most illnesses and diseases, so keeping inflammation low should be a top priority for everyone.

      In addition to including lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and filtered water in your diet, a highly effective way to reduce inflammation is to rely on the power of turmeric.

      There is evidence that turmeric was used as a natural remedy as far back as 6,000 BC and its therapeutic properties have been the subject of over 12,000 peer-reviewed studies! 

      In fact, even the Mayo Clinic has acknowledged turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties in combatting osteoarthritis, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and rheumatoid arthritis.

      The potential health benefits of turmeric cover a wide range of concerns and include:

      • Cancer and Alzheimer’s prevention
      • Fighting disease-causing inflammation
      • Boosting the immune system
      • Reducing joint and back pain
      • Supporting the cardiovascular system, and healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure
      • Enhancing brain and nervous system health, as well as skin health

      If you want to embrace the impressive power of turmeric to support your health goals, look no farther than our Optimal Turmeric Blend.

      Optimal Turmeric Blend provides 750 mg of pure turmeric, plus black pepper extract to aid in absorbability.

      Now you have REAL advice on how to create health and say goodbye to sickness, excess weight and medications for good.

      To your health,

      Sherry Brescia

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